Mechanical properties of the adaptive uplift-restraint friction pendulum bearing based on the magnetic levitation theory
The problem of insufficient pullout capacity in a friction pendulum bearing and the need to optimize its vibration isolation performance led to the proposal of an adaptive magnetic levita-tion uplift-restraint friction pendulum bearing(AMFPB).This novel solution was developed by integrating the traditional FPB with semi-active control concepts.A theoretical analysis of the AMFPB was performed based on magnetic circuit theory.The analysis resulted in deriving the e-lectromagnetic force formula for the U-shaped electromagnet.Additionally,formulas for calculat-ing the stiffness,period,and equivalent damping ratio of the AMFPB were established.To fur-ther validate these theories,a displacement-electromagnetic force test was conducted on the U-shaped electromagnet.Concurrently,a finite element model of the AMFPB was established to an-alyze the hysteretic characteristics and pullout performance of the AMFPB under different dis-placement amplitudes,electromagnet turns,and input currents.The displacement-electromag-netic force test results of the U-shaped electromagnet matched the theoretical findings.Moreover,the calculated hysteretic curve of the AMFPB closely mirrored the numerical simulation result.A standout feature of the AMFPB is its ability to adjust its own stiffness and energy consumption in response to an increase in sliding displacement.This unique characteristic makes the AMFPB ad-vantageous in controlling bearing displacement.
兰州理工大学土木工程学院,甘肃兰州 730050兰州理工大学土木工程学院,甘肃兰州 730050河北工业大学土木与交通工程学院,天津 300401
seismic isolationfriction pendulum bearingmagnetic levitationhysteretic behavior
《地震工程学报》 2024 (1)