

Understory Vegetation and Soil Characteristic Variations of Young Cryptomeria japonica var.sinensis Plantations After Thinning in Western Sichuan


为缓解柳杉人工林密度大、林分质量差等问题,对其进行抚育间伐,分析比较林下植被及土壤特征对不同间伐强度的响应,旨在为柳杉人工林的科学经营提供一定的理论基础.以雅安市雨城国有林场羊子岭工区8年生柳杉人工林为研究对象,在初始密度为2 800株·hm-2的人工林中设置4个强度(对照0%、轻度20%、中度30%、重度40%)开展间伐试验;间伐4 a后,监测并分析其林下植被、土壤特征变化.结果表明,草本层各处理间Shannon指数及Pielou指数差异不显著,轻度间伐多样性指数最低;间伐后灌木层Shannon指数、Pielou指数及物种丰富度显著高于对照,分别是对照处理的7、3、6倍,且灌木层物种丰富度增加量明显高于草本层.间伐可使土壤物理性质得到明显改善,土壤容重随间伐强度增大而显著降低,中度间伐强度相对于对照降低了24.45%,轻度和中度间伐的土壤毛管孔隙度与对照样地差异显著;重度间伐土壤pH及有效磷(P)含量相对于对照显著降低6.79%、25%,土壤有机质、全氮(N)、全磷(P)以及水解N含量随间伐强度的增大而增加,其中轻度间伐处理的土壤有机质含量增加量最高,比对照增加了94.66%.土壤过氧化氢酶和蔗糖酶活性随间伐强度增大而增强,重度间伐和中度间伐活性最高,且与其他处理差异显著.冗余分析结果显示,胸径年增量、草本层植物多样性等均与土壤全N和水解N存在显著相关性.研究表明川西地区柳杉幼林可采取间伐措施改善林分环境.

To alleviate the deficiencies of high density and poor standing quality of Cryptomeria japonica var.sinensis plantations,a thinning management was conducted to analyze and compare the responses of understory vegetation and soil properties on thinning intensities and to provide a theoretical basis for scien-tific management of the plantations.Taking the 8-year-old C.japonica var.sinensis plantations in Yangzil-ing State Owned Forest Farm,Ya'an City,Sichuan Province,China,as the research objects,four thinning in-tensities were set in an initial density of 2 800 plants·hm-2(control,0%;light,20%;medium,30%;heavy,40%)to carry out thinning experiment.Four years after thinning,the variation of understory vege-tation diversity and soil properties were analyzed.It was found that in herb layer,no significant differences were found in Shannon and Pielou indices among different thinning treatments,and the diversity index of light thinning was the lowest.In shrub layer,Shannon index,Pielou index and species richness of the thinning treatment were 7,3,and 6 times of the control.Moreover,the increase of species richness in the shrub layer was significantly higher than that in the herb layer.The soil physical properties were signifi-cantly improved by thinning.The soil bulk density decreased significantly with the increase of thinning in-tensities,and the medium thinning intensity decreased by 24.45%compared with the control.The soil cap-illary porosity of light and medium thinning treatments were significantly different from that of the con-trol.Compared with the control,soil pH and available phosphorus content of heavy thinning decreased by 6.79%and 25%,and the contents of soil organic matter,total nitrogen,total phosphorus and hydrolyzed nitrogen increased with the increase of thinning intensities,and soil organic matter content of light thinning treatment increased by 94.66%compared with the control.The activities of soil catalase and sucrase in-creased with the increase of thinning intensities,and the highest activities were found in heavy and medium thinning treatments,and the differences were significant compared with other treatments.The results of redundancy analysis showed that annual DBH growth,herb layer vegetation diversity were correlated with soil total and hydrolyzed nitrogen.The study indicates that thinning management can be used to improve the environment for young C.japonica var.sinensis plantation in western Sichuan.


中南林业科技大学林学院,湖南长沙 410004中南林业科技大学林学院,湖南长沙 410004广西生态工程职业技术学院,广西柳州 545004广西壮族自治区国有七坡林场,广西南宁 530031广西壮族自治区南宁良凤江国家森林公园,广西南宁 530031广西生态工程职业技术学院,广西柳州 545004黔东南州林业科学研究所,贵州凯里 556000中南林业科技大学林学院,湖南长沙 410004中南林业科技大学林学院,湖南长沙 410004



Cryptomeria japonica var.sinensis plantationthinning intensityunderstory vegetationsoil physicochemical propertysoil enzyme activityredundancy analysis

《西北林学院学报》 2024 (1)



