Fair sharing of parallel buses for multi-core processors
In order to avoid the collision and realize real-time performance of the multiple functions running on the different cores of the same multi-core processor and accessing the same parallel bus at the same time in the integrated electronic system,a method of multi-core processors sharing parallel bus fairly based on minimum access granularity is proposed.The design,implementation and verification of the method are introduced in detail.This method can guarantee not only the first-come-first-served bus operations for the same core by assigning a bus operation buffer queue to each core,but also the real-time operation for each core by a fair queuing algorithm of a single read/write operation cycle.This engineering practice shows that the proposed method is an effective method for the multi-core processors to share parallel bus fairly.
中国电子科技集团公司第十研究所, 四川 成都 610036
integrated electronic systemmulti-core processorshared parallel buscollisionfair queuing algorithmbuffer queue
《现代电子技术》 2024 (3)