

Can biotite geothermometer be used to estimate the crystallization temperature of granitic intrusive rocks?



In order to investigate whether the biotite thermometer is suitable for estimating crystallization tempera-ture of granite intrusive rocks,a compilation of the petrochemistry and mineral chemistry data of typical granitic intrusive rocks at domestic and abroad was made.The magma temperature was estimated using Henry et al.(2005)biotite Ti saturation geothermometer and the Li and Zhang(2022)version of the biotite geothermometer,and the results were compared with those estimated by the zircon saturation geothermometer in Shao et al.(2020).The results show that the temperatures estimated by the biotite Ti saturation geothermometer are 50~200℃ lower than those estimated by the zircon saturation geothermometer and the 2022 version of the biotite geothermometer.The biotite Ti saturation thermometer is not suitable for estimating the crystallization temperature of granitic intrusive rocks,while the Li and Zhang(2022)version of the biotite thermometer can reproduce the results of the zircon sat-uration thermometer for S-type and Ⅰ-type granites.


中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院,北京 100083



granitic intrusive rockcrystallization temperaturebiotite Ti saturation geothermometerbiotite geothermometerzirconium saturation geothermometer

《岩石矿物学杂志》 2024 (001)

37-46 / 10

中国地质调查局地质调查项目(D1912)Project of China Geological Survey(D1912)

