Cyber System Physicalizing Modeling and Analysis Method in Cyber-physical Power Systems
该文基于信息系统物理化的设想提出电力信息物理系统(cyber-physical power system,CPPS)中的信息流建模和计算分析方法.采用连续时间函数来刻画信息流的特征,并定义信息网络运行参数为流量累积函数、信息流速和时延.首先,基于遍历法搜索出信息流路径,建立信息流速矩阵的范式;然后利用改进的网络演算(network calculus,NC)特性赋值流速矩阵的元素;进一步采用流量累积函数表征信源数据发送规律,从而显式求解时延上界.最后将提出的信息流建模方法应用于智能变电站自动化系统的时延计算,通过与OPNET的仿真结果相比较,验证所提出模型的有效性,而且该方法可以提供定量分析指标以优化变电站组网方案设计中的信息流分布.
In this paper,the information flow modeling,calculation and analysis methodology by physicalizing the cyber in a cyber-physical power system(CPPS)are proposed.The information flow is characterized with a continuous time function by defining network operation parameters as inflow cumulative function,information flow rate,and time delay.After traversal searching out the information flow paths,the formation of information flow rate matrix is established.Then,the matrix elements are assigned by using the improved network calculus method.And the delay upper bound can be explicitly solved considering source models as cumulative functions.Finally,the proposed methodology is applied to calculate the time delay in the intelligent substation automation system.By comparing with the OPNET simulation results,the effectiveness of the proposed model is verified.It can also provide quantitative indication to effectively improve the information flow distribution in substation networking design.
广东工业大学自动化学院,广东省 广州市 510006广东工业大学自动化学院,广东省 广州市 510006广东工业大学自动化学院,广东省 广州市 510006广东工业大学自动化学院,广东省 广州市 510006国网经济技术研究院有限公司,北京市 昌平区 102209
cyber-physical power system(CPPS)physicalizing the cyber(PtC)information flow ratenetwork calculus(NC)intelligent substationprotection and control of power systems
《中国电机工程学报》 2024 (1)
国家自然科学基金项目(51377026).Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(51377026).