

Improved PBFT Consensus Mechanism for Multi-virtual Power Plant Transactions


分布式能源投资主体的多样性,使各资源在互动过程中的信任构建更加困难,因此需要探究多虚拟电厂交互模式并构建相应信任体系.基于主侧区块链技术构建了多虚拟电厂交易模型总体架构,明确了多虚拟电厂交易流程.通过主侧锚定技术构建跨链通道,实现多虚拟电厂链上协同运行模式.针对节点维护区块链网络环境积极性不高导致的信任环境缺失和区块链性能下降的问题,基于节点功能不同提出了一种差异化信用评价指标来规范节点行为,同时利用该指标对拜占庭容错算法(practical byzantine fault tolerance,PBFT)进行改进.实验结果表明使用差异化信用评价指标改进的共识算法在所提多虚拟电厂架构下能构建信任环境并提升共识效率.

The diversity of distributed energy investment entities makes it more difficult to build trust in the process of interaction between resources,so it is necessary to explore the interaction mode of multi-virtual power plants and build a corresponding trust system.Based on the main and side blockchain technology,this paper constructs an overall architecture for the multi-virtual power plant transaction model and clarifies the transaction process of multi-virtual power plant.A cross-chain channel is constructed through the main side anchoring technology to realize the on-chain collaborative operation mode of multi-virtual power plants.To solve the problems of the lack of trust environment and the decline of blockchain performance caused by the low enthusiasm of nodes to maintain the blockchain network environment,a differentiated credit evaluation index is proposed to standardize node behavior based on different node functions,and the practical byzantine fault tolerance(PBFT)algorithm is improved using this index.Experimental results show that the consensus algorithm improved by the differentiated credit evaluation indicators can build a trust environment and improve the consensus efficiency under the proposed multi-virtual power plant architecture.


上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海 200090上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院,上海 200240上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海 200090上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院,上海 200240


cross-chain technologymulti-chain synergydifferentiated credit value evaluationmulti-virtual power plantimproved consensus

《中国电力》 2024 (1)


国家重点研发计划资助项目(2021YFB2401203).This work is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(No.2021YFB2401203).

