Nucleon resonances in γp→π-Δ++photoproduction
运用有效拉氏量方法分析LEPS合作组首次发布的关于γp→ π-Δ++反应的高精度微分截面和极化观测量Beam asymmetry(∑)的实验数据.把t 道的π和p交换,u道的Δ交换,s道的核子N交换以及使光生反应振幅满足规范不变性的推广接触项作为背景项,尝试在s道进一步引入核子激发态交换的贡献以描述此实验数据.分析表明,如果在模型计算中不引入s道核子激发态交换的贡献,背景项的理论计算结果虽然能够大体上描述γp→π-Δ++反应的微分截面的实验数据,但是无法描述极化观测量∑的实验数据;在s道中引入核子激发态N(1860)5/2+,模型计算结果就能够很好地同时描述LEPS实验组的微分截面和极化观测量∑的实验数据.
The first measured high-precision data on the differential cross sections and polarization observable beam asymmetry ∑ for the γp→π-Δ++reaction from the LEPS collaboration are analyzed within a tree-level effective lagrangian approach.In addition to the t-channel π and ρ exchanges,the u-channel Δ exchange,the s-channel N exchange,and the interaction current that is required by the gauge invariance,the s-channel nucleon resonance exchanges are further taken into account to reproduce the data of LEPS.Numerical results show that,the data on ∑ can not be well reproduced when no contributions from the s-channel resonance exchanges are introduced.Further analyses show that,by including the contribution from the resonance N(1860)5/2+,both the data on the differential cross sections and beam asymmetry ∑ can be well reproduced.
中国科学院大学物理科学学院,北京 100049中国科学院大学物理科学学院,北京 100049
photoproduction reactionnucleon resonanceseffective lagrangian approach
《中国科学院大学学报》 2024 (1)
开-闭拓扑弦/F-理论超势和 Ooguri-Vafa 不变量