首页|期刊导航|Contemporary Social Sciences|On the Praxis-Oriented Semiotic Aesthetics in Eastern European Marxism

On the Praxis-Oriented Semiotic Aesthetics in Eastern European MarxismOA


Eastern European Marxism,taking a critical stance towards structuralism,gave rise to a unique paradigm of praxis-oriented semiotic aesthetics.This novel approach posits that signs emerge from humans’social praxis and also function as a means of praxis.It further delves into the principle governing the generation and usage of signs,i.e.,the Economy Principle,the homogenization of signs,the situatedness or contextual constraints,as well as their aesthetic features and transcendental attributes.As a result,the praxis-oriented semiotic aesthetics within Eastern European Marxism exhibits distinct theoretical value.

Li Huiwen

Jiangxi Normal University


Eastern European Marxismsemioticspraxisaesthetics

《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2024 (1)


This paper is an outcome of the“Research on Marxist Aesthetics of the Prague Linguistic Circle”(Approval No.JD21026)a project of the Key Research Base for Humanities and Social Sciences at Colleges and Universities of Jiangxi Province.It is also part of a major project“Bibliography and Research of Eastern European Marxist Aesthetics”(Approval No.15ZDB022)funded by the National Social Science Fund of China(NSSFC).

