

Progress on additive manufacturing of 600 ℃ high-temperature titanium alloys


先进航空发动机高压压气机 550~600℃环境使用的关键/重要件对 600℃高温钛合金提出迫切需求.但是,难成形的复杂构件以及梯度/复合结构与功能一体化构件等的制造,采用传统铸造、锻造等工艺技术难以满足需求和研发要求.增材制造是先进制造技术的典型代表,拥有材料设计-制造一体化、复杂设计-定制一体化等独特优势,为 600℃高温钛合金新材料/新技术研发提供了新的途径.目前国内外已开始关注通过增材制造的方式制备600℃高温钛合金,重点研究材料-工艺-组织-性能的关系.本文首先简要回顾 600℃高温钛合金研究,其次重点介绍不同增材制造工艺下 600℃高温钛合金沉积态和后处理态的微观组织特点;在综合性能研究方面,列举并分析拉伸性能、蠕变性能、热疲劳性能和抗氧化性能等关键性能;在复杂设计/复合结构章节,论述以 600℃高温钛合金为基体的复合材料和梯度结构增材制造的研究进展.最后,对增材制造 600℃高温钛合金材料开发、复合工艺探索、缺陷控制和性能评价标准建立等研究方向进行展望.

Key components used in the high-pressure compressor of advanced aero engines operating in the 550-600 ℃ range have an urgent demand for 600 ℃ high-temperature titanium alloy.However,the use of casting,forging,and other traditional processing techniques is not sufficient to meet the requirements for gradient or composite structures,functional integration components and complex components that are difficult to form.Additive manufacturing is an advanced manufacturing technology that offers unique advantages such as material design-manufacturing integration and complex design-customization integration.It provides a new approach to the development of new materials and technologies of 600℃high-temperature titanium alloy.Currently,attention is being paid to the processing of 600 ℃ high-temperature titanium alloy by using additive manufacturing techniques at home and abroad,focusing on the relationship among materials,processing,structures,and properties.Firstly,this paper reviews the research on 600 ℃ high-temperature titanium alloy in brief,introduces the microstructure characteristics of deposited and post-treated states of 600 ℃ high-temperature titanium alloy under different additive manufacturing processes,and analyzes key properties such as tensile properties,creep properties,thermal fatigue properties,and antioxidant properties.Then,the research progress of composite materials based on 600 ℃ high-temperature titanium alloy and gradient structure built by additive manufacturing is discussed.Finally,the prospects are provided for research directions including the development of 600 ℃ high-temperature titanium alloy materials for additive manufacturing,exploration of hybrid manufacturing processes,defect control,and establishment of performance evaluation standards.


中国航发北京航空材料研究院,北京 100095中国航发北京航空材料研究院,北京 100095||清华大学新材料国际研发中心,北京 100084辽宁工程技术大学机械工程学院,辽宁阜新 123000清华大学新材料国际研发中心,北京 100084中国航发北京航空材料研究院,北京 100095



600 ℃ high-temperature titanium alloyadditive manufacturingmicrostructure and propertiescomplex structuredevelopment directions

《航空材料学报》 2024 (1)



