

Fine Mapping and Candidate Gene Analysis of a Glabrous Leaf Gene GL826 in Rice Minghui 826


光身稻是一种重要的种质资源,在杂交水稻育种中具有重要的利用价值,其中明恢826(MH826)是自主选育的优良光身稻恢复系.为探究MH826光身基因功能和分子机制,本研究对MH826光身表型进行鉴定、对光身基因进行精细定位和候选基因分析.扫描电镜分析结果发现,其叶片和籽粒颖壳表现为表面光滑,未观察到明显的尖刺状表皮毛特征.利用MH826分别与具有明显表皮毛特性的水稻品种华占、明恢2155和9311杂交构建的F1和F2代分离群体对MH826光身基因进行遗传学分析,结果表明,MH826的光身性状由单个细胞核隐性基因控制,并将其命名为GL826(Glabrous Leaf 826).进一步应用MH826与华占杂交获得的F2分离群体,结合分离群体分析法(BSA)和隐性群体分析法(RCA),并通过Mapmaker/Exp3.0和MapDraw v2.1软件分析,将光身基因GL826精细定位在水稻第5号染色体短臂端,且位于分子标记InDel-70和InDel-11之间,相对遗传距离均为0.2 cM.区间物理距离为141.03 kb,共预测有23个开放阅读框,其中LOC_Os05g02730功能注释为已报道的和水稻表皮毛发育相关基因.测序分析结果发现,MH826中候选基因LOC_Os05g02730在编码区和启动子区均未存在DNA水平上的碱基变异.实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)分析结果表明,LOC_Os05g02730在MH826不同生长发育阶段的叶片、茎和幼穗中的表达受到了严重抑制,表现为不同程度的下调.推测候选基因LOC_Os05g02730即为GL826.本研究结果为光身稻恢复系MH826及其光身基因GL826在杂交水稻育种上的进一步应用提供了理论基础.

Glabrous rice is an important germplasm resource for practical utilization in hybrid rice breeding.Minghui 826(MH826),an excellent glabrous restorer line,was originated from the Sanming Academy of Agricultural Sciences.In the present study,we initially performed a comprehensive phenotypic characterization for MH826.Additionally,fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of the glabrous trait in MH826 were conducted.These results will provide essential information for the subsequent functional analysis and molecular mechanism of the glabrous gene in MH826.By scanning electron microscope,it was revealed that MH826 showed smooth leaves and hairless glumes under normal growth conditions,while the leaf trichomes,including macro and micro hairs,were severely deficient.To perform a genetic analysis,the F1 and F2 populations were generated by crossing MH826 with indica cultivars Huazhan,Minghui2155,and 9311,the latter of which produce leaves exhibiting distinct trichomes.The observation and statistical analysis of the leaf phenotypes in F1 and F2 plants showed that all F1 plants displayed hairy leaves.In the F2 populations,the leaf phenotype was segregated,and the segregation ratio of hairy to glabrous leaf was approximately 3∶1(χ2= 0.89,1.10,1.07<χ20.05=3.84),indicating that the glabrous phenotype of MH826 is controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene,which was designated as GL826(Glabrous Leaf 826).With 429 recessive F2 individuals derived from the cross between MH826 and Huazhan,the GL826 gene was finally fine-mapped to a narrow region between InDel-70 and InDel-11on the short arm of chromosome 5 through integrated bulked segregation analysis and recessive class analysis by Mpamaker/Exp 3.0 and MapDraw.The genetic distance between each of these markers was 0.2 cM which corresponds to a physical distance of 141.03 kb.Within this interval,totally 23 complete open reading frames were predicted.Among these,LOC_Os05g02730 is a known gene associated with the development of leaf trichomes in rice.However,we did not identify any base variation in both the coding and the promoter region of LOC_Os05g02730 between MH826 and several well-known rice cultivars(Huazhan,9311 and MH2155).The quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR)analysis revealed that the expression levels of LOC_Os05g02730 were down-regulated in leaves,stems,and young panicles of MH826 during different growth stages.Taken together,LOC_Os05g02730 was proposed to be the candidate GL826 gene.This study provides a theoretical basis for further application of the glabrous restorer line MH826 and the GL826 gene in hybrid rice breeding.


三明市农业科学研究院生物技术研究所,福建 三明 365500||福建省(山区)作物遗传改良与创新利用重点实验室,福建 三明 365500福建省(山区)作物遗传改良与创新利用重点实验室,福建 三明 365500||三明市农业科学研究院水稻研究所,福建 三明 365500


riceMH826glabrous genefine mappingcandidate gene analysis

《核农学报》 2024 (003)

413-423 / 11


