

Reliability-based method for determining of critical stable bearing capacity of single-layer dome structures



In order to investigate the reliability-based method for determining of critical stable bearing capacity of single-layer dome structures,the random imperfection modal superposition method is applied and modified for the simulation of the initial geometrical imperfections of single-layer dome structures.Then,a kind of mixed-degree cubature formula is developed to evaluate the first-four statistical moments of stable bearing capacity of structures with accuracy and efficiency.Further,the probability density function of stable bearing capacity is reconstructed by using the shifted generalized lognormal distribution,where the critical stable bearing capacity of structures can be specified given the target reliability index or probability of instability.A hexagonal star dome model and a K8 single-layer dome structure are investigated to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method,respectively.The computational results demonstrate that the proposed method uses the superposition of first-four buckling modes to obtain the probability density function of stable bearing capacity with a higher level of variability.The decreasing trend in stability bearing capacity agrees well with the result obtained from the consistent mode imperfection method.Besides,the value of imperfection amplitude in the current code,which is 1/300 of the span,is also quite conservative.


湖南大学土木工程学院,湖南长沙 430074||建筑安全与节能教育部重点实验室,湖南长沙 430074湖南大学土木工程学院,湖南长沙 430074中建三局一公司钢结构分公司,湖北武汉 430040



single-layer dome structureinitial geometrical imperfectionstability bearing capacitystatistical momentsprobability density function

《建筑结构学报》 2024 (001)


76-84 / 9


