

Spatiotemporal evolution of cultivated land production-ecological effects in Hotan Region


耕地在干旱区土地利用中是贡献显著的重要地类,分析其生产-生态效应时空变化有助于解释耕地变化在区域粮食生产与生态环境保护中的作用,为实现生产-生态协同保护提供参考.本研究基于1990、2000、2010、2020年的土地利用分类数据,运用土地利用转移矩阵、耕地生产水平假设模型、遥感生态指数(RSEI)模型,揭示和田地区耕地时空演变下的生产-生态效应.结果表明:1990-2020年,研究区耕地面积增加了1 702.63 km2.8个县(市)耕地面积变化趋势相同,但差异显著,未利用地开垦和林、草地复垦是新增耕地的主要来源;退耕还林还草、建设用地扩张和耕地荒废是耕地减少的主要原因;耕地生产水平向好发展,无生产耕地占比下降12个百分点,中、中高生产耕地总占比增加14个百分点.从耕地生产效应来看,研究区固定耕地生产正效应(面积占比55%)大于负效应(面积占比2%),耕地转移效应(面积占比43%)有效弥补了流失的生产效应面积,然而从各阶段效应来看,固定负效应面积逐渐增加,固定正效应面积逐渐减少,转移效应面积呈现波动下降趋势.研究区耕地等级主要为一般生态等级,耕地生态环境质量呈恶化趋势,固定耕地生态环境质量恶化面积为改善面积的2倍以上;转移耕地恶化面积为改善面积的近1.4倍.阶段性变化中,耕地生态环境质量在前20年得到改善,而后10年出现恶化,其原因在于固定耕地和转出耕地生态环境质量下降.研究表明,研究区耕地变化促进了区域生产的提高,但同时导致耕地生态环境质量逐渐恶化.因此,在未来的国土空间规划与管理中应坚持生产-生态融合发展,优化土地资源配置.

Cultivated land makes significant contribution to the land use of arid areas.Analyzing the spatiotemporal evolution of its production-ecological effects can reveal the role of cultivated land changes in regional food production and ecological environmental protection,and provide a reference for achieving synergistic production-ecological protection.Based on land use classification data from four periods during 1990,2000,2010,and 2020,we used the land use transfer matrix,production hypothesis,and remote sensing ecological index(RSEI)models to reveal production-ecological effects under spatiotemporal evolution of cultivated land in Hotan Region.From 1990 to 2020,the cultivated land area increased by 1 702.63 km2;eight counties showed the same trends with different absolute values,in cultivated land area.Reclamation of unused land,forests,and grassland were the main sources of newly cultivated land;the return of cultivated land to forests and grassland,expansion of construction land,and abandonment of cultivated land were the main reasons for decreases in the cultivated land.The level of cultivated land production increased.The proportion of unproductive cultivated land decreased by 12 percentage points and the proportion of medium and medium-high productive cultivated land increased by 14 percentage points.In terms of production effect of cultivated land,the positive effect of unchanged area production(55%)was greater than the negative effect(2%),and the transfer effect of cultivated land(43%)effectively compensated for the lost production effect area.However,the fixed negative effect area gradually increased,whereas the fixed positive effect area gradually decreased.The transfer effect area showed a fluctuating downward trend in terms of the effect of each stage.The study area is mainly dominated by level 3 ecological quality cultivated land.The ecological and environmental quality of cultivated land deteriorated over the study period,with the area of fixed cultivated land decreasing by more than twice the area of improvement,and the area of transferred cultivated land decreasing by nearly 1.4 times the area of improvement.In the phase change,the environmental quality of cultivated land improved in the first 20 years and deteriorated in the last 10 years.This deterioration was caused by the linear deterioration of the environmental quality of fixed and transferred cultivated land.The results of this study demonstrate that changes in cultivated land in the study area have contributed to an increase in regional production,which has in turn led to a gradual deterioration in the ecological quality of cultivated land.Therefore,future spatial planning and land management should emphasize the development of production-ecological integration to optimize the allocation of land resources.


新疆农业大学公共管理学院,乌鲁木齐 830052新疆农业大学公共管理学院,乌鲁木齐 830052新疆师范大学地理科学与旅游学院,乌鲁木齐 830054



cultivated landspatiotemporal evolutionhypothetical model of production levelremote sensing ecological index(RSEI)Hotan Region

《农业资源与环境学报》 2024 (1)


新疆维吾尔自治区高校基本科研业务费科研项目(XJEDU2023J018) Funding of Fundamental Research for Universities of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(XJEDU2023J018)

