

The Influence of Airport Service Quality on Air Travel Choices:A Case Study of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area



High-quality air service is important for achieving high-quality aviation development.As the primary customers of air travel services,passengers are the most important evaluators of the service.Therefore,research on their air travel choices is key for promoting the coordination of multi-airport regions.Based on stochastic utility psychological perception theories,this study discusses the impact of the key dimension of airport service quality on air travel choices using the structural equation model-logit model.The results show that air travel choice is not a simple linear extension of behavioral intentions as there are two key dimensions of airport service quality:First,mandatory service processing is inevitably the most time-consuming and tedious process for passengers at airports.This waiting time is perceived as a sign of low airport service capability,whereas the level and quality of service provided by staff in this process is an intangible factor for passengers.This in turn affects the level of passengers'ratings of airport services,especially for business travelers.Therefore,airports need to recognize the time and resource constraints of passengers and work with airlines to streamline the check-in process,ensure security control,and reduce waiting time.One solution is to use shared self-service devices or automated robots that allow any passenger of any airline or flight to check-in and check-out on the same device.Second,while facilities,equipment,and environment are not universal considerations for passengers,differences in passenger perceptions are evident between airport types.Within multi-airport regions,the facilities,equipment,and environment of major airports are above passengers'psychological expectations,while auxiliary or other airports need to pay more attention to this service,which illustrates that the improvement of airport service quality requires changes to unidimensional and monolithic thinking but also focus on passengers'overall perception of service experience from a multidimensional perspective,as well as consideration of the spatial and temporal characteristics of different airport types in the multi-airport region to make targeted improvements.Moreover,passengers do not have an obvious preference for particular airlines,but low-cost airlines still hold a certain appeal for passengers when they take off from regional airports,which also means that low-cost airlines'entry into the market has anti-risk properties for regional airports.Within the limits of China's aviation controls,the presence of low-cost carriers can still improve the chances of an airport being chosen.Therefore,different airport types within the same multi-airport region often need to compete differently to achieve regional synergistic development.To enhance airport service quality,it is essential to fine tune service quality standards,based on airport's types.The improvement of airports'performance should include a phased integration of assessments of service experience settings.Airports should adopt differentiated spatial designs for their service functions based on the goal of airport integration,with a view to achieving optimal management at minimal cost while being able to effectively guide passengers in their air travel choices.


江西理工大学 建筑与设计学院/新时代革命老区高质量发展研究院,江西 赣州 341000||宁波大学 地理与空间地理信息技术系//东海研究院/宁波陆海国土空间利用与治理协同创新中心,浙江 宁波 315211陕西师范大学 西北国土资源研究中心,西安 710119宁波大学 地理与空间地理信息技术系//东海研究院/宁波陆海国土空间利用与治理协同创新中心,浙江 宁波 315211



Multi-airport regionsairport service qualityair travel choice behaviorpsychological perception of passengersSEM Logit modelGuangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

《热带地理》 2024 (002)

195-211 / 17


