

Gravity-Magnetic Field Characteristics and Geological Interpretation in Jiaodong Area



In this paper,physical parameters,such as magnetic susceptibility,residual magnetization and density of various strata and magmatic rocks in Jiaodong area in Shandong province have been counted sys-tematically.Characteristics of regional heavy magnetic have been analyzed from the aspects of geology and physical properties.It is showed that the overall trend of gravity and magnetic field is NE-NNE,which reflects the stratigraphic distribution,tectonic framework and magmatic activity in Jiaodong area.The in-tensity of gravity field varies greatly ranging from-40×10-5m/s2 to 40×10-5 m/s2.The gravity is low in the north and south of Jiaolai basin,and the gravity is high inside the basin.The magnetic field is mainly low magnetic field,the magnetic field intensity is low and the change is small in the north and middle.The magnetic field intensity is high and large in the southeast.The characteristics of the heavy magnetic field in Jiaodong area reflect that the magma activity in the southern and northern parts of the area is strong,and the middle crust is thin.The basement structure is EW direction,the local structure is NE direction,and the old crystalline basement with higher density and strong magnetism is zoned.


山东省公共资源交易中心(省政府采购中心),山东 济南 250013山东省地质调查院,山东 济南 250013山东省地质矿产勘查开发局八〇一水文地质工程地质大队,山东 济南 250013



Magnetic susceptibilityremanent magnetizationdensityBouguer gravity anomalymagnetic anomalyJiaodong area

《山东国土资源》 2024 (001)

9-17 / 9


