

Grid Method for Real Time Service of Beidou Satellite Navigation and Positioning Benchmark


当前,北斗卫星导航定位基准实时服务以虚拟参考站定位模式为主,随着用户的不断增加,导致平台端运算压力陡增.针对该问题,提出了一种融合格网与地形信息的立体格网定位方法,并对格网划分策略进行了系统性研究.以山东省北斗卫星导航定位基准站网为例,选择16个野外测试点对格网化后的实时服务进行了实测验证,平面外符合定位精度优于1.5 cm,高程外符合定位精度优于2.0 cm.实现了厘米级增强定位,在满足网络实时定位精度的前提下,大幅降低数据中心的运算压力.

At present,the real-time service of Beidou satellite navigation and positioning benchmark is mainly based on VRS positioning mode.Accompanying with continuous increase of users,the computa-tional pressure increases sharply.In response to this problem,a three-dimensional grid positioning meth-od that integrates grid and terrain information has been put forward.Grid partitioning strategies have been studied systematically.Taking Shandong Beidou Satellite Navigation and Positioning Reference Station Network as an example,selecting 16 field test points,real-time service after grid has been tested and ver-ified.The out of plane coincidence positioning accuracy can reach within 1.5 cm,and the out of elevation coincidence positioning accuracy can reach within 2.0 cm.The centimeter level enhanced positioning has been realized.Under the premise of meeting the real-time positioning accuracy of the network,the com-puting pressure of the data center has been greatly reduced.


山东省国土测绘院,山东 济南 250102济南市勘察测绘研究院,山东 济南 250101



Satellite navigationreference stationthree-dimensional grid positioningRTK

《山东国土资源》 2024 (001)

58-64 / 7

