

Development and perspective of reservoir geophysics in Sinopec in the past 20 years



As an inter-disciplinary technology which integrates a variety of geophysical data and dynamic and static information of reservoirs into detailed characterization and dynamic monitoring of complicated reservoirs,reservoir geophysics is of great signifi-cance to improved reserve utilization and recovery efficiency and thus is an important direction of geophysical technologies.We give an overall review of reservoir geophysics in Sinopec in the past two decades and a series of geophysical techniques,including techni-cal innovations and their application from the perspectives of fundamental geophysical research,borehole geophysics,multi-scale joint inversion,geophysically constrained deterministic modelling,time-lapse seismology for remaining oil and gas prediction,seis-mology-geology-engineering integration,and microseismic monitoring.In the context of petroleum exploration and development in deep water and deep zones,unconventional reservoir exploration and development,enhanced oil recovery in mature fields,and chal-lenges of integrated,intelligent,and green technologies in China,there are still bright prospects for reservoir geophysics in petrole-um industry.It is suggested continuing innovations in reservoir geophysics,integration of well,seismic,dynamic,and modelling da-ta,and artificial intelligence application and establishing high-level solutions to exploration-development integration and geology-engineering integration to support life-span reservoir construction.


中国石油化工股份有限公司,北京 100728中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司,山东东营 257000中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司物探研究院,山东东营 257022



reservoir geophysicsborehole seismicjoint inversionreservoir modelingreservoir performance monitoringremaining oil predictionseismology-geology-engineering integration

《石油物探》 2024 (001)

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中国石化股份公司科研攻关项目(P20052-4)资助.This research is financially supported by the Sinopec Scientific Research Project(Grant No.P20052-4).

