

Basic logic and key methods of OBN seismic data imaging processing


海洋油气勘探逐渐进入深水深层勘探领域,地下地质构造复杂(横向变速剧烈)、目标油藏复杂(由以构造油气藏为主转向构造与地层岩性油气藏并重),同时还可能伴随海底地形及附近岩性的复杂变化,所有因素促使海洋油气地震勘探技术不断变革.提高海洋油气勘探效益的首要问题是发展尽可能满足高精度地震波成像需求的地震数据采集技术及对应的高精度地震波成像技术.当前,无论海上和陆上油气地震勘探,"两宽一高"地震数据采集技术和全波形反演(FWI)/最小二乘逆时偏移(LS_RTM)为代表的地震波成像技术是标志性的领先技术.海上油气地震勘探中,海底节点(OBN)地震数据采集是目前业界公认的、最有可能真正实现"两宽一高"地震数据采集的技术.与拖缆数据采集相比,OBN数据采集具有宽方位照明、数据信噪比高、无检端鬼波、存在实测的(至少一阶自由表面相关)下行波场、四分量观测等优点.尤其是宽方位照明和存在至少一阶自由表面下行波场的特点,使得OBN数据具备了对中深层复杂构造和近海底介质进行高精度成像的能力.着重讨论了高精度地震波成像对地震数据采集的要求,指出OBN数据采集在海洋油气勘探中的必要性;分析了 OBN数据采集的地震波场的特点,据此提出OBN数据地震波成像处理的基本逻辑及相应的关键技术;认为海洋油气勘探中地震波成像处理的特殊问题主要由特征反射层引起,海水面、海底面和地下介质中若干强反射层构成了这些特征反射层,提出了模型驱动波动理论特征反射层相关多次波预测与压制的技术路线,并对比了几种代表性的多次波预测的基础理论;指出对应当前的线性化偏移成像算子叠前数据域与叠前成像域是等价的,据此以成像道集后处理为中心,给出期望成像道集的定义,将弱旁瓣、定量的反射系数作为保真高分辨地震波成像的目标,在两个域中尽可能完美实现地下同一反(绕/散)射点、不同炮检距反(绕/散)射子波的同相位叠加,尽可能好地实现保真高分辨带限反射系数的成像;提出最好把带限反射系数成像推进到宽带波阻抗成像的技术路线;结合OBN数据的特点,给出了 OBN数据地震波成像处理的基本技术流程,指出各环节的关键方法技术.最后,针对OBN数据四分量观测的特点,指出是实际观测的多波地震波场中的波现象(主要是P_SV波)与地震波传播及模拟理论不匹配导致了当前多波成像结果达不到预期,建议重点研究实际观测的多波地震波场中的波现象与地震波传播及模拟理论不匹配的物理根源,而不是发展更高端的矢量波成像算法.期望本文的思想观点对OBN地震勘探在海洋油气勘探中的进一步应用产生积极的促进作用.

Reservoirs in deep water and deep zones are becoming the targets of offshore oil and gas exploration,and there is an ur-gent need for the development of offshore seismic prospecting techniques owing to subsurface tectonic complexities(severe lateral variations),reservoir complexities(changing from structural reservoirs to structural,stratigraphic,and lithologic reservoirs),and seabed topographic and lithologic complexities.The primary issue in improving the efficiency of offshore exploration is to develop advanced techniques for seismic data acquisition and high-precision seismic imaging.Wide-azimuth wide-band high-density acquisi-tion and seismic imaging represented by full waveform inversion(FWI)/least squares reverse time migration(LS_RTM)are char-acteristic leading techniques in offshore and onshore seismic exploration.In offshore seismic exploration,OBN acquisition is gener-ally accepted to be the most feasible way to accomplish wide-azimuth wide-band high-density acquisition.Compared with streamer data acquisition,ocean bottom node(OBN)data acquisition features wide-azimuth illumination,high signal-to-noise ratio,no detec-tion-end ghosts,measured(at least first-order free surface related)downgoing wave field,and four-component observations,espe-cially wide-azimuth illumination and at least first-order free surface related downgoing wave field,which make it possible to achieve high-precision imaging of complicated middle and deep structures and near-seabed media.Our efforts focus on the requirements of high-precision imaging for seismic data acquisition,the necessity of OBN acquisition in offshore exploration,the characteristics of OBN seismic wave field,and the basic logic and corresponding key techniques for OBN data imaging.The particularities of marine data processing are supposed to be mainly caused by characteristic reflectors,which include seawater surface,seabed,and subsur-face strong reflecting horizons.We propose a technical solution to the prediction and suppression of multiples related to characteris-tic reflectors based on model-driven wave theory and compare some basic theories for multiples prediction.The linearized imaging operator-based prestack data domain and prestack imaging domain are supposed to be equivalent.Centering on the post processing of imaging gathers,expected imaging gathers are defined,and weak side lobes and quantitative reflection coefficients are taken as the targets of high-fidelity high-resolution imaging to achieve in-phase stacking of the wavelets from the same subsurface reflection(diffraction/scattering)point and different offsets in two domains and obtain imaging results of band-limited reflection coefficients with high fidelity and high resolution.It is suggested performing band-limited reflection coefficient imaging for broad-band imped-ance imaging.Based on the characteristics of OBN data,we present a basic workflow and key techniques of OBN data imaging.With respect to four-component OBN observations,the disagreements between wave phenomena in observed multi-component seismic wave field(mainly P_SV waves)and wave propagation and simulation theory lead to unsatisfactory multi-wave imaging.It is rec-ommended focusing on the physical origin of the disagreements between wave phenomena in observed multi-component seismic wave field and wave propagation and simulation theory instead of more advanced vector wave imaging algorithms.We hope that our ideas may promote further application of OBN data to offshore seismic exploration.


同济大学海洋与地球科学学院,波现象与反演成像研究组(WPI),上海 200092



《石油物探》 2024 (001)


12-29 / 18

国家自然科学基金(42174135,42074143,42304124)、中国博士后科学基金资助(2023M732633)、中海石油(中国)有限公司北京研究中心项目(CCL2021RCPS0436RSN)共同资助.This research is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.42174135,42074143,42304124),the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No.2023M732633),the Project of Beijing Research Center of CNOOC(China)(Grant No.CCL2021RCPS0436RSN).

