A robust dual-sensor calibration algorithm using direct waves in deep-water OBN survey
In deep-water exploration,the frequency notch of seismic signals caused by ghost at the receiver point poses a major challenge to broadband seismic exploration.The point is how to separate upgoing and downgoing wave fields for dual-sensor combi-nation,which relies on the mathematical relations between upgoing and downgoing wave fields and between geophone and hydro-phone wave fields for dual-sensor calibration.The challenge is that inaccurate static correction and S-wave noises in geophone re-cords will deteriorate dual-sensor calibration based on reflected waves.Our method uses direct waves within a small time window for LMO correction and common receiver stacking,and then the operator at each receiver point is derived from stacked direct waves of geophones and hydrophones for dual-sensor calibration,followed by the separation of upgoing and downgoing wave fields.Cross-ghosting is unnecessary in this process,and operator calculation will not be affected by noises owing to the utilization of di-rect waves instead of reflected waves.As shown by deep-water seismic data processing,the operators obtained from direct waves for deep-water OBN dual-sensor calibration are more robust and perform well in OBN wave field separation after dual-sensor cali-bration and combination.
中石化石油工程地球物理有限公司国际业务发展中心,北京 100020中石化石油工程地球物理有限公司国际业务发展中心,北京 100020中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院,山东青岛 266100
ocean bottom node(OBN)direct wavecalibrationupgoing wavedowngoing wavematching filterwavefield separa-tion
《石油物探》 2024 (1)
中石化地球物理公司技术攻关课题(SGC202207,SGC202301)资助.This research is financially supported by Project from Sinopec Geophysical Corporation(Grant Nos.SGC202207,SGC202301).