

An intelligent denoising method based on multi-scale convolutional auto-encoder and its application



To solve the problems of insufficient generalization,lack of objectivity,and scarcity of noise-free data in reality in routine denoising methods,we establish an intelligent approach for noise reduction and signal preservation by using the generalization be-havior of deep learning.According to the principle of utilizing some observed noise-free data,the data set of synthetic seismogram is first derived from forward modeling,followed by the construction of a convolutional auto-encoding network based on InceptionV4 convolutional module and attention mechanism.The network with great power of feature extraction is pre-trained using synthetic data to tentatively obtain data-driven effective characteristics of seismic data.The tests with modelled data show that our approach attenuates most random noises and coherent noises and is superior to DnCNN in signal preservation.The network is further trained using transfer learning strategy and some observed data to obtain the ultimate denoising model.According to field data tests and performance evaluation from the perspectives of noise reduction and amplitude preservation,our approach is capable of suppressing random noises and surface waves to accurately recover effective signals;it also has advantages in low cost of processing and high efficiency.


电子科技大学资源与环境学院,四川成都 611731电子科技大学资源与环境学院,四川成都 611731||电子科技大学长三角研究院(湖州),浙江湖州 313000油气勘探计算机软件国家工程研究中心,东方地球物理公司,北京 100088中石化西南油气分公司勘探开发研究院,四川成都 610041中石化石油工程地球物理有限公司南方分公司,四川成都 610041中国石化西南油气分公司,四川成都 610041中国石化西南油气分公司工程监督中心,四川德阳 618000



seismic explorationnoise suppressionconvolutional auto-encodertransfer learningattention mechanism

《石油物探》 2024 (001)

79-90 / 12

四川省自然科学基金项目(2023NSFSC0255)和中国石化"十条龙"项目(P20052-3)共同资助.This research is financially supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province(Grant No.2023NSFSC0255)and the Sinopec's"Ten Dragons"Project(Grant No.P20052-3).

