

How Do Unannounced Inspections Work:A Perspective of the Vertical Inter-Government Information Interaction



As a regular means of information supervision,the unannounced inspection is now widely used in vertical inter-government governance.Based on the perspective of vertical inter-government information interaction,this study argues that the reason for the initiation of unannounced inspec-tion is to alleviate the information asymmetry in the process of vertical inter-government"supervi-sion-reception inspection".The information fields applicable to unannounced inspection reflect the characteristics of high ambiguity of subordinate governance information,strong demand for superi-ors to obtain governance information and diverse types of various information tools.On this basis,this study also summarizes the operation process of unannounced inspection,that is,the fuzzy pro-cessing of supervision signals before the operation of the mechanism,the application of various in-formation acquisition methods during the operation of the mechanism,and the feedback of policy correction information after the operation of the mechanism.Aiming at the phenomenon of"unan-nounced inspection failure"that frequently occurs in the current supervision practice,this study ar-gues that it stems from the negative effects brought about by the anti-supervision of lower-level governments.Both the operation of the informal information network and the obstacles encountered by superiors in the process of collecting information in the field will affect the actual operational ef-ficiency of unannounced inspection.This is also the breakthrough point to get out of the predica-ment of"unannounced inspection failure".


南开大学,天津 300350



unannounced inspectioninspection mechanismvertical inter-government interactionprincipal-agent theoryinformation supervision

《天津行政学院学报》 2024 (001)

13-23 / 11


