How Can Eco-Governance Achieve Green Wealth?
In the context of the national ecological civilization construction and the implementation of rural revitalization strategy,how to achieve green and common wealth in the rural areas inde-pendently and actively has become one of the very key issues.Practical experience of rural eco-gov-ernance in HC village in Fujian and Y village in Zhejiang suggest that the formation of eco-govern-ance is closely connected with external policies and internal pressure,the autonomy of rural eco-governance is stimulated under the embedding of government policies and planning,the mobiliza-tion of rural eco-governance can be mobilized through the political recognition and project entry into the villages,and the mobilization of villages and grouping of the districts can effectively realize the"green and common wealth"under the autonomy of rural governance."Green wealth"is not only an innovative practice of green common wealth,but also creates a new path for common wealth,and helps to provide a scientific expression of experience for Chinese-style agricultural and rural modernization.
中共中央党校,北京 100000福建师范大学,福建福州 350007
ecological governanceembeddednessrural autonomygreen wealth
《天津行政学院学报》 2024 (001)
87-95 / 9