Effect of Different Lower Irrigation Limits on Peanut under Film Drip Irrigation and the Construction of DMA Digital Model
探究辽西地区花生膜下滴灌最佳灌溉制度,建立以有效积温为自变量的不同灌水下限花生干物质积累动态模型,以期为花生高产节水节效栽培管理提供参考依据.采用大田试验以花生白沙 1016 为试验材料,设置 4 个灌水处理,雨养处理(CK)、W50、W60、W70(灌水下限分别为田间持水率的 50%、60%、70%),通过观测花生株高、LAI和干物质积累量(DMA)变化,分析不同灌水下限对花生生长发育的影响,并建立基于有效积温为自变量,DMA为因变量的花生生长动态模型.结果表明:花生在花针期、结荚期的生长速度较快,对水分的敏感度较高,生育后期的生长速度较慢,W70 处理较其他处理的花生株高、LAI和DMA有显著的提高,其产量最高达到 5 181.81 kg/hm2、水分利用效率最大为 1.79 kg/m3.所以田间持水率 70%为该地区膜下滴灌条件下花生最适宜的灌水参数,并建立了其基于归一化的有效积温为自变量的相对DMA预测的Gompertz方程:y=0.9837e-exp(3.2309-12.7429x).
Exploring the optimal irrigation system for peanut under film drip irrigation in the western region of Liaoning,establis-hing dynamic models for peanut dry matter accumulation at different irrigation thresholds with effective accumulated temperature as the independent variable,in order to provide reference for achieving high yield,water-saving,and efficient cultivation manage-ment of peanuts.Using peanut'Baisha 1016'as the experimental material in a field experiment,four irrigation treatments,rain fed treatment(CK),W50,W60,and W70(irrigation lower limits are 50%,60%,and 70%of the field water holding capacity,respectively)were set up.By observing changes in peanut plant height,LAI,and dry matter accumulation(DMA),the impact of different irrigation lower limits on peanut growth and development was analyzed,and a peanut growth dynamic model based on effective accumulated temperature as the independent variable and DMA as the dependent variable was established.The results showed that the growth rate of peanuts was faster during the flowering and podding stages,with a higher sensitivity to water.The growth rate in the later stages of growth was slower.The W70 treatment significantly improved the plant height,LAI,and DMA of peanuts compared to other treatments,with a maximum yield of 5 181.81 kg/hm2 and a maximum water use efficiency of 1.79 kg/m3.So the field water holding rate of 70%is the most suitable irrigation amount for peanuts under film drip irrigation condi-tions in this area,and a Gompertz equation based on normalized effective accumulated temperature as the independent variable for relative DMA prediction was established:y=0.9837e-exp(3.2309-12.7429x).
沈阳农业大学,辽宁 沈阳 110866沈阳农业大学,辽宁 沈阳 110866沈阳农业大学,辽宁 沈阳 110866辽宁省农业科学院,辽宁 沈阳 110161
Drip irrigation under filmIrrigationPeanut growth and developmentWater use efficiencyDigital model
《辽宁农业科学》 2024 (1)