Progress of Microstructures and Additives in the Improvement of Friction in Metal Matrix Composites
Metal matrix composites have the advantages of low density,high strength,strong corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance,which are widely used in aerospace,construction and automotive and other related industrials.However,its defects such as low toughness,high brittleness and poor friction and wear resistance are important factors restricting the further development and application of metal matrix composites at present.Studies have confirmed that the design and preparation of microstructures on the surface of metal matrix composites and the incorporation of specific solid lubricants can enhance their friction reduction and anti-wear properties.The influence of surface microstructure and solid lubricants on the tribological properties of metal matrix composites has been paid much attention.Bionic interface technology has been widely used in microstructure design,and material surface processing technology has also developed rapidly;lubricants can obviously improve the friction and wear performance of materials,and dimensions of which has different advantages and disadvantages;the synergistic effect of solid lubricants and surface microstructures to improve the tribological properties of metal matrix composites has also been highly emphasized by a wide range of researchers,and these results provide insights for future research related to the improvement of anti-friction and wear properties of metal matrix composites.
四川轻化工大学机械工程学院,四川 宜宾 644000||晨光高性能氟材料创新中心,四川 自贡 643000四川轻化工大学机械工程学院,四川 宜宾 644000||晨光高性能氟材料创新中心,四川 自贡 643000四川轻化工大学机械工程学院,四川 宜宾 644000安阳工学院机械工程学院,河南 安阳 455000
metal matrix compositessurface microstructuresolid lubricantstribological propertiesresearch progress
《四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (1)