A Transducer for Exciting Low-frequency SH Guided Wave in Thick-walled Structure
零阶水平剪切波(SH0波)因其独特的非频散(即波速不随频率改变)特性在厚壁板壳结构的智能监测中具有可观的应用前景.然而,当前能够在厚壁板壳结构中激励单模态低频SH0波的换能器十分匮乏.鉴于此,本研究设计了一种低频SH0波压电换能器,该换能器由两个反对称布置的厚度剪切压电晶片和一个含有微结构的基底构成.有限元仿真和实验结果表明,该压电换能器可以在45~65 kHz频率范围内激励高信噪比的SH0波,且能够将SH0波的能量聚焦在两个相反的主方向.此外,基底中的微结构设计可以提高换能器激励的SH0波的信噪比,基底有微结构的换能器所激励的SH0波的信噪比比基底无微结构的换能器提高了277%.本研究所提出的压电换能器可为在厚壁板壳结构中激励单模态的低频SH0波提供一个可行的途径.
The fundamental shear horizontal(SH0)wave is of practical importance in the structural health monitoring of thick-walled shell structures due to its unique non-dispersive characteristics.However,few transducers are available for exciting low-frequency pure SH0 wave in thick-walled shell structures.In this work,a low-frequency SH0 wave piezoelectric transducer is proposed,which is composed of two anti-symmetrically arranged thickness-shear piezoelectric wafers and a substrate with micro-structures.Both finite element simulations and experimental tests are conducted to examine the performance of the proposed transducer.Results show that the designed piezoelectric transducer can excite a high signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)SH0 wave in the frequency range of 45~65 kHz and focus the wave energy along two opposite directions.In addition,the microstructure design in the substrate can improve the SNR of the SH0 wave excited by the transducer.Experimental results show that the SNR of the SH0 wave excited by the transducer with microstructure is 277%higher than that of the transducer without microstructure.The proposed piezoelectric transducer provides a feasible approach for exciting low-frequency pure SH0 wave in thick-walled shell structures.
西南交通大学力学与航空航天学院,成都 611756西南交通大学力学与航空航天学院,成都 611756西南交通大学力学与航空航天学院,成都 611756
guided wavesshear horizontal wavepiezoelectric transducersstructural health monitoringthick-walled structures
《四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (1)