

Genetic diversity analysis and comprehensive evaluation of 355 introduced Japonica rice germplasm resources in Xinjiang


为筛选出适合新疆种植的综合性状较优的水稻种质资源,对国、内外355份水稻资源的17个质量性状和20个数量性状进行综合评价.结果表明:在质量性状指标中穗抽出度、二次枝梗、穗立形态、叶片茸毛和分蘖力上表现出丰富的变异类型;数量性状变异范围为3.906%~57.519%,遗传多样性指数为1.713~2.067.通过对数量性状进行聚类分析将355份水稻种质资源划分为4大类群,类群Ⅰ属于极端粒型的特异性种质,共97份;类群Ⅱ属于潜在增产种质,共81份;类群Ⅲ属于晚熟极端种质,共94份;类群Ⅳ属于优质高产种质,共83份.20个数量性状利用主成分分析提取5个综合因子,累计贡献率为74.989%,各成分的贡献率分别为17.472%(PC1)、17.071%(PC2)、15.738%(PC3)、15.237%(PC4)和 9.429%(PC5);水稻种质资源的综合得分范围为 0.416 8~1.240 8,综合得分前 10名的种质资源依次为'21Y137''21Y271''21Y162''21Y280''21Y276''21Y87''21Y132''21Y254''21Y294''21Y318',均属于类群Ⅳ,为高产且粒型优异种质,可作为新疆水稻高产优质的亲本育种材料.

To address the single genetic background and scarce breeding resources of rice in Xinjiang,rice germplasm resources from different ecological regions were introduced.The genetic diversity of their phenotypic traits was studied and excellent rice germplasm was screened.A total of 355 rice plants for 17 qualitative and 20 quantitative traits were investigated.The results showed that:The rice germplasm displayed a rich variety of variation in qualitative traits including panicle exsertion,second branch,shape of panicle,leaf blade pubescence and tillering ability.The 20 quantitative traits ranged from 3.906%to 57.519%variation,with genetic diversity indices ranging from 1.713 to 2.067.Through cluster analysis,the 355 rice germplasm resources were divided into four major Groups.Group Ⅰ belonged to 97 specific germplasm with extreme grain type,group Ⅱ belonged to 81 potential yield increasing germplasm,group Ⅲbelonged to 94 late maturing extreme germplasm,and group Ⅳ belonged to 83 high-yielding and high-quality germplasm with excellent high yield grain type.Principal component analysis converted the 20 quantitative traits into five composite factors with a cumulative contribution of 74.989%,with the components contributing 17.472%(PC1),17.071%(PC2),15.738%(PC3),15.237%(PC4)and 9.429%(PC5),respectively;The comprehensive score of rice germplasm resources ranged from 0.4168 to 1.2408,and the top 10 germplasm resources based on the comprehensive score were'21Y137''21Y271''21Y162''21Y280''21Y276''21Y87''21Y132''21Y254''21Y294''21Y318',which are all high-yielding grain type and excellent group Ⅳ germplasm.In conclusion,the top 10 germplasm resources can be used as the high-yielding and high-quality rice parent selections for the future in Xinjiang.


新疆农业科学院粮食作物研究所/农业农村部荒漠绿洲作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830091新疆农业科学院核技术生物技术研究所/干旱荒漠区作物抗逆遗传改良与种质创新国家重点实验室(筹),乌鲁木齐 830091新疆农业科学院温宿水稻试验站/国家耐盐碱水稻技术创新中心西北中心,新疆阿克苏 843100



Xinjiangricegermplasm resourcesphenotypic traitsgenetic diversity

《中国农业大学学报》 2024 (003)

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