Effects of Different Corn Straw Returning Methods on Soil Chemical Properties and Tobacco Yield
玉米秸秆还田不仅可以使农业废弃物高效资源化利用,还可以有效改善烤烟种植过程中田间管理不合理导致的土壤肥力下降和功能退化的状况.本试验共设 4 个处理(分别为秸秆深埋、深松、粉垄 30 cm、粉垄50 cm处理),探究了不同玉米秸秆还田方式对土壤化学性质及烤烟产量的影响.结果表明:粉垄 50 cm处理土壤有机质、硝态氮、铵态氮、速效钾、土壤碳氮比提升效果最好;各处理烟叶氮、磷元素含量差异不显著,深松与粉垄 50 cm处理烟叶产量较高;粉垄 50 cm处理烟株上等烟比例最大,深松、粉垄 50 cm处理烟叶产值较高.因此,粉垄 50 cm玉米秸秆还田方式可以有效提高土壤营养元素含量,提升烟叶品质,显著增加烟叶产值.
Returning corn straw to the field not only enables the efficient resource utilization of agricultural waste,but also effectively improves the soil fertility decline and functional degradation caused by unreasonable field management during tobacco cultivation.This experiment set four treatments(straw deep burial,subsoiling,Fenlong depth of 30 cm,and Fenlong depth of 50 cm)to investigate the effects of different corn straw returning methods on soil chemical properties and tobacco yield.The results showed that the soil organic matter,nitrate nitrogen,ammonium nitrogen,available potassium,and soil carbon nitrogen ratio were most effectively improved in the treatment of Fenlong depth of 50 cm;there was no significant difference in the contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in tobacco leaves among different treatments,while the tobacco yield was higher in treatments of subsoiling and Fenlong depth of 50 cm;the proportion of upper grade tobacco was the highest in Fenlong depth of 50 cm treatment,while the production value of tobacco was higher in treatments of subsoiling and Fenlong depth of 50 cm.Therefore,the method of corn straw returning to the field with Fenlong depth of 50 cm could effectively increase the soil nutrient content,improve the tobacco leaf quality,and significantly increase tobacco production value.
四川省烟草公司凉山州公司会东分公司,四川会东 615200贵州中烟工业有限责任公司,贵州贵阳 550000贵州中烟工业有限责任公司,贵州贵阳 550000贵州中烟工业有限责任公司,贵州贵阳 550000中国农业科学院烟草研究所,山东青岛 266101中国农业科学院烟草研究所,山东青岛 266101山东临沂市烟草公司,山东临沂 276000山东临沂市烟草公司,山东临沂 276000山东潍坊市烟草公司,山东潍坊 261000
tobaccocorn straw returning methodsoil chemical propertyorganic matteryield
《现代农业科技》 2024 (5)