Deviation Analysis Between Willingness and Behavior of Farmers to Adopt Agricultural Machinery Socialization Services in Jiangxi Province
基于江西省 635 份农户调查数据,运用Logistic回归模型分析农户农机社会化服务采纳意愿与行为的偏差问题.结果表明:农户农机社会化服务采纳意愿与行为存在一定的偏差,偏差为 10.8%.此偏差主要受农户受教育年限、对农机社会化服务的了解程度、周边农户农机社会化服务的采纳情况、是否使用互联网、是否参加农业技能培训、水稻经营面积因素影响.其中,使用互联网和水稻经营面积增加会加深偏差程度,其他因素作用相反.该研究结论对普及农机社会化服务服务知识,更好地制定和完善农机社会化服务发展政策,促进农户农机社会化服务采纳意愿与行为的转化具有重要的借鉴意义.
Based on 635 survey data of Jiangxi Province,the Logistic regression model was used to analyze the deviation between the willingness and behavior of farmers to adopt agricultural machinery socialization services.The results showed that there was a certain deviation between the willingness and behavior of farmers to adopt agricultural machinery socialization services,with a deviation of 10.8% .This deviation was mainly influenced by factors such as the education years of farmers,the understanding of agricultural machinery socialization services,the adoption of agricul-tural machinery socialization services by surrounding farmers,using internet or not,participation in agricultural skill training or not,and rice management area.Among them,using internet and rice management area increase deepened the degree of deviation,while other factors had the opposite effect.The research conclusion had important reference significance for popularizing knowledge of agricultural machinery socialization services,better formulating and impro-ving policies for the development of agricultural machinery socialization services,and promoting the transformation between willingness and behavior of farmers to adopt agricultural machinery socialization services.
江西农业大学工学院,江西南昌 330000||江西农业大学农业机械化发展研究中心,江西南昌 330000江西农业大学工学院,江西南昌 330000||江西农业大学农业机械化发展研究中心,江西南昌 330000江西农业大学工学院,江西南昌 330000
farmeragricultural machinery socialization servicewillingnessbehavioral deviationinfluence factorJiangxi Province
《现代农业科技》 2024 (5)