

Effects on Glucosinolates and Antioxidant Activity of Chitooligosaccharides on Kale Sprouts


为探究壳寡糖(COS)对羽衣甘蓝芽苗生长的影响,为芽苗生产上壳寡糖的合理施用提供参考,以京羽一号为试验材料,在种子发芽后施用不同质量浓度COS(25,50,75,100 mg/L)溶液,观察壳寡糖对羽衣甘蓝芽苗生长指标、硫代葡萄糖苷(简称硫苷)含量及抗氧化能力的影响.结果表明,施用75 mg/L COS处理的羽衣甘蓝芽苗总酚、总黄酮、总硫苷质量以及黑芥子酶活性和DPPH自由基清除率呈现上升趋势,且与对照差异显著,较对照分别增加25.99%,17.99%,29.68%,141.88%和2.51%;100 mg/L COS处理的羽衣甘蓝芽苗的产量及总酚、总黄酮、钠和硼含量及黑芥子酶活性也得到了相应提升,且与对照差异显著,较对照分别增加了15.21%,21.29%,22.47%,15.97%,32.63%,97.71%.经相关性分析,可以得出芽苗的产量与类胡萝卜素、总酚、总黄酮含量及DPPH自由基清除率均呈显著正相关关系.综上可得,经壳寡糖处理后可提高羽衣甘蓝芽苗的产量,提升芽苗的营养品质和抗氧化能力,增加芽苗的食用价值.

In order to investigate the effect of chitooligosaccharides(COS)on the growth of kale sprouts and to provide a reference for the rational application of chitooligosaccharides in the production of sprouts,this study used Jingyu 1 as the test material,and applied different concentrations of COS(25,50,75,100 mg/L)to the seeds after germination to observe the effects of COS on the growth indexes,content of glucosinolates and antioxidant ca-pacity.The results showed that total phenolics content,total flavonoids content,total glucosinolates content,myrosi-nase enzyme activity and DPPH free radicals scavenging rate of 75 mg/L COS-treated kale sprouts showed an up-ward trend,and the differences were significant with the control,with increases of 25.99%,17.99%,29.68%,141.88%,and 2.51%,respectively;the yield and total phenolics content,total flavonoids content,sodium content,boron content and myrosinase enzyme activity,of 100 mg/L COS-treated kale sprouts were also enhanced according-ly and differed significantly from the control,increasing by 15.21%,21.29%,22.47%,15.97%,32.63%,97.71%,respectively.After correlation analysis,it could be obtained that the yield of sprouted seedlings was signifi-cantly and positively correlated with the content of carotenoids,total phenolics,and total flavonoids and DPPH free radicals scavenging rate.In conclusion,chitosan treatment could increase the yield of kale sprouts,improve the nu-tritional quality and antioxidant capacity of sprouts,and increase the edible value of sprouts.


河北农业大学园艺学院,河北保定 071001||北京市农林科学院,北京 100097北京市农林科学院,北京 100097北京市农林科学院,北京 100097北京市农林科学院,北京 100097||河北北方学院,河北张家口 075132北京市农林科学院,北京 100097北京市农林科学院,北京 100097河北农业大学园艺学院,河北保定 071001



KaleChitooligosaccharidesSproutsGrowthAntioxidant capacityGlucosinolates

《华北农学报》 2024 (1)



