

Fenton process treating small pore-sized ultrafiltration membrane concentrate of printing and dyeing wastewater


印染废水属于难处理工业废水,具有排放量大、污染物含量高等特性.在可持续发展的背景下,印染废水实现零(近零)排放成为必然趋势.目前采用催化氧化法处理膜浓缩液是实现零(近零)排放的常规方法,但该方法存在催化药剂投加量大、处理效果差及二次污染等问题.采用芬顿法,以印染废水小孔径超滤膜浓缩液为实验用水,考察了H2O2和FeSO4·7H2 O投加量、pH及加药时间间隔等因素对处理效果的影响.结果表明,在COD∶H2O2质量比为1∶1.3、H2O2∶Fe2+摩尔比为1∶1,反应初始pH=4.0,反应回调pH=6.5,加药时间间隔60 min的条件下,处理效果最优,出水COD、色度、氨氮和总氮等主要水质指标均达到《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 4287-2012)排放要求,出水水质稳定,较其他条件能够获得较高的经济效益.与此同时,将芬顿法与物化和类芬顿法进行了对比分析,结果表明,芬顿法处理印染废水膜浓缩液具有较高的经济性,为进一步工程实践提供依据.

Printing and dyeing wastewater is a kind of refractory industrial wastewater,which has the characteristics of large discharge and high pollutant content.In the context of sustainable development,zero(nearly zero)discharge of printing and dyeing wastewater has become an inevitable trend.At present,the treatment of membrane concentrate by catalytic oxidation is a conventional method to achieve zero(nearly zero)emission,while it has the problems of large dosage of catalytic agent,poor treatment effect and secondary pollution.In this study,Fenton method was used to treat the small pore-sized ultrafiltration membrane concentrate of printing and dyeing wastewater.The effects of H2O2 and FeSO4·7H2O dosage,pH and dosing time interval on the treatment effect were investigated.The results showed that the best treatment effect occurred at mass ratio COD∶H2O2 of 1∶1.3,molar ratio H2O2∶Fe2+of 1∶1,initial pH 4.0,callback pH 6.5 and dosing time interval of 60 min.All the main water quality indexes such as COD,color,ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen in the effluent could meet the emission requirements of'Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Textile Dyeing and Finishing Industry'(GB 4287-2012).The effluent quality was stable,this method could obtain higher economic benefits than other conditions.At the same time,this study compared the Fenton method with the physicochemical and Fenton-like methods.The results showed that the Fenton method had higher economy in treating membrane concentrate of printing and dyeing wastewater,which provides a basis for further engineering practice.


天津工业大学环境科学与工程学院,天津 300387天津工业大学化学工程与技术学院,天津 300387浙江津膜环境科技有限公司,绍兴 312081浙江津膜环境科技有限公司,绍兴 312081浙江津膜环境科技有限公司,绍兴 312081天津工业大学环境科学与工程学院,天津 300387



printing and dyeing wastewatersmall pore-sized ultrafiltration membranemembrane concentrateFenton method

《环境工程学报》 2024 (1)



