Effects of Different Substrate Treatments on Growths of Malania oleifera Seedlings
为提高蒜头果(Malania oleifera)幼苗品质和造林成活率,以泥炭土、轻基质、黄心土、松针、蛭石和珍珠岩为原料,设计9个不同基质处理,测定蒜头果幼苗生长和生物量指标,并分析其与基质理化性质的相关性,结合主成分分析对不同基质处理进行综合评价.结果表明,在不同基质处理下,蒜头果幼苗生长指标均存在差异.T5处理的苗高和地径总生长量均最高,分别为69.39 cm和8.31 mm.T1处理的地上部分鲜质量总重、全株鲜质量、地上部分干质量总重和全株干质量均最高,分别为36.13、69.97、15.57和25.94 g.T8处理的地下部分鲜质量和地下部分干质量均最高,分别为37.03和11.13 g.苗高与土壤密度呈显著负相关,与速效磷含量呈显著正相关,与速效氮和速效钾含量均呈极显著正相关.地径与土壤密度呈极显著负相关,与田间持水量和总孔隙度均呈显著正相关,与速效氮和速效钾含量均呈极显著正相关.幼苗地上部分鲜质量、全株鲜质量和地上部分干质量均与总孔隙度呈显著正相关.全株鲜质量与速效氮含量呈显著正相关.T1处理的叶生物量和全株生物量均最高,综合得分最高;T5处理的苗高和地径均表现最好,叶生物量低于T1处理;T8处理的根系生长最好,最有利于幼苗地下部分生长;这3个基质配方均适用于蒜头果幼苗培育.
In order to improve quality of Malania oleifera seedlings and survival rates of afforestation,nine dif-ferent substrate treatments were designed with peat soils,light substrates,yellow soils,pine needles,vermicu-lite and perlite.Indexes of growth and biomass of M.oleifera seedlings were measured and correlations among indexes of growth and biomass and physico-chemical properties of substrates were analyzed.Different substrate treatments were comprehensively evaluated by principal component analysis.Results showed that growth index-es of M.oleifera seedlings were different among different substrate treatments.T5 treatment had the highest to-tal growths in seedling height and ground diameter,which were 69.39 cm and 8.31 mm respectively.T1 treat-ment had the highest total fresh weight of above-ground part(36.13 g),fresh weight of whole plant(69.97 g),to-tal dry weight of above-ground part(15.57 g)and dry weight of whole plant(25.94 g).T8 treatment had the high-est fresh weight of under-ground part and dry weight of under-ground part,which were 37.03 and 11.13 g re-spectively.Seedling height had significantly negative correlation with soil density,had significantly positive cor-relation with content of available phosphorus,and had extremely significantly positive correlations with contents of available nitrogen and available potassium.Ground diameter had significantly negative correlation with soil density,had significantly positive correlations with field capacity and total porosity,and had extremely signifi-cantly positive correlations with contents of available nitrogen and available potassium.Fresh weight of above-ground part,fresh weight of whole plant and dry weight of above-ground part had significantly positive correla-tions with total porosity.Fresh weight of whole plant had significantly positive correlation with content of avail-able nitrogen.Leaf biomass and whole plant biomass of seedlings in T1 treatment were the highest and compre-hensive score of principal component analysis was the best.Seedling height and ground diameter were the high-est in T5 treatment with lower leaf biomass than T1 treatment.Root growth in T8 treatment was the best,which was conducive to growths of under-ground parts of M.oleifera seedlings.T1,T5 and T8 treatments were suit-able for M.oleifera seedling cultivation.
广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院 广西特色经济林培育与利用重点实验室,广西南宁 530002
substrate treatmentseedling heightground diameterbiomassprincipal component analysisMa-lania oleifera
《广西林业科学》 2024 (001)
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