Research on Space-based TT&C for Orbit Insertion Phase Using Relay Satellites
TT&C for orbit insertion phase of satellites is crucial,but the number of satellites that can be supported simultaneously by a single ground station is limited.In order to solve the prob-lem of insufficient ground TT&C resources for large constellation satellites during orbit insertion phase,TT&C methods during orbit insertion phase for multiple satellites launched by a single rocket are firstly introduced.Then from the perspectives of feasibility and reliability of space-based TT&C,research is conducted on the capabilities of relay satellites and the design of space-based relay TT&C terminals.Factors that influence TT&C links during orbit insertion phase are thoroughly analyzed.A stable and reliable space-based TT&C solution that utilizes software sim-ulation results and onboard independent real-time calculations is proposed.The proposed solution can meet the requirements of multi-satellite orbital insertion by making adaptions to the existing usage methods of relay TT&C terminals.It is a versatile approach that can be easily realized.
航天东方红卫星有限公司,北京 100094航天东方红卫星有限公司,北京 100094航天东方红卫星有限公司,北京 100094航天东方红卫星有限公司,北京 100094航天东方红卫星有限公司,北京 100094
space-based TT&Crelay systemorbit insertion phaselarge constellation
《航天器工程》 2024 (1)