Application Layer Protocol Recognition Incorporating SENet and Transformer
Protocol recognition technology assumes a crucial position and exerts significant influence in the do-mains of network communication and information security.Existing protocol recognition methods based on spatio-temporal features cannot adequately and comprehensively extract protocol features.An application layer protocol recognition method incorporating SENet channel attention and Transformer is proposed.The model focuses on spatio-temporal feature extraction of protocol data,and the model consists of a spatial feature extraction module and a time extraction module.SE blocks are added to the residual network to capture the associations between multiple chan-nels and adaptively assign weights,so as to extract the key space features in different channels.The temporal feature extraction module is constructed by stacking the transformer encoders based on multi-head attention mechanism.This module is used to comprehensively capture temporal features of the protocol data by directly leveraging the positional information of the input data.After extracting and learning more detailed spatial features and more comprehensive temporal features,better protocol feature representation is obtained to improve protocol recognition performance.Experiments are conducted on the ISCX2012 and CSE_CIC_IDS2018 hybrid datasets,and the results show that the overall recognition accuracy of the proposed model reaches 99.20%,and the F1 score reaches 98.99%,which are higher than those of the comparison models.
中国人民解放军陆军工程大学 指挥控制工程学院,南京 210000中国人民解放军陆军工程大学 指挥控制工程学院,南京 210000中国人民解放军陆军工程大学 指挥控制工程学院,南京 210000
SENetresidual networkself-attentionTransformerprotocol recognitionnetwork security
《计算机科学与探索》 2024 (3)
国家重点研发计划(2019YFB2101704).This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2019YFB2101704).