

The influence of compound tropicamide on retinal microvasculature among healthy subjects


目的 本研究通过对无视网膜疾病的健康人使用复方托吡卡胺滴眼液散瞳前后相干光层析血管成像术(OCTA)定量参数进行对比分析,探讨散瞳药物对健康人视网膜微循环的影响.方法 横断面研究.2021年12月至2022年3月在我院收集无视网膜疾病的健康受试者39例.所有受试者使用复方托吡卡胺滴眼液散瞳,分别于散瞳前及瞳孔充分散大后采用OCTA仪进行黄斑区及视盘区Angiography 6 mm×6 mm模式扫描,测量黄斑区浅层毛细血管丛血流密度(SVD)、深层毛细血管丛血流密度(DVD)、黄斑中心凹无血管区(FAZ)面积、FAZ旁300 μm内血流密度(FD-300)、FAZ周长(PERIM)、圆度指数(CI)以及视盘旁视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)平均血流密度.使用配对样本t检验比较散瞳前后测得的OCTA参数.结果 本研究共纳入受试者共39例,其中男性受试者25例,女性受试者14例,年龄(26.21±1.47)岁(20~35岁).OCTA检查结果显示复方托吡卡胺散瞳前后黄斑区SVD、DVD、FAZ面积、FD-300、PERIM、CI指数以及视盘旁RNFL平均血流密度差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05).结论 复方托吡卡胺对无视网膜疾病的健康人黄斑区SVD、DVD、FAZ面积、FD-300、PERIM、CI指数以及视盘旁RNFL平均血流密度无明显影响.

Objective To investigate the influence of compound tropicamide on the quantitative evaluation of reti-nal microcirculation parameters measured by optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA)among healthy subjects.Methods This was a cross sectional study.A total of 39 healthy subjects were enrolled.All subjects underwent OCTA measurement before and after the instillation of compound tropicamide.Various parameters including superficial capillary plexus vessel density(SVD),deep capillary plexus vessel density(DVD),foveal avascular zone(FAZ)area,FAZ area,the vessel density within a 300 μm wide ring surrounding the FAZ(FD-300),FAZ perimeter(PERIM),circularity Idex(CI)and radial peripapillary capillaries vessel density were obtained.Paired sample t-test was used to compare the differ-ences of OCTA parameters before and after mydriasis.Results A total of 39 healthy subjects were included in this study,including 25 male subjects and 14 female subjects,aged from 20 to 35 years old with an average age of(26.21±1.47)years old.The results of OCTA examination showed that there was no significant difference in macular SVD、DVD、FAZ area、FD-300、PERIM、CI and mean vessel density of optic disc before and after mydriasis in healthy subjects(P>0.05).Conclusions Compound tropicamide had no significant effect on macular SVD,DVD,FAZ area,FD-300,PERIM,CI and mean vessel density of optic disc among healthy subjects.


230601 合肥,安徽医科大学第二附属医院眼科230601 合肥,安徽医科大学第二附属医院眼科


Optical coherence tomography angiographyCompound tropicamide eye dropsMicrovessel densityBlood flow density

《临床眼科杂志》 2024 (1)


