Difference Analysis of Wave Disaster Characteristics Induced by Landslides of Different Water Entry Scales
针对不同规模滑坡入水产生的涌浪开展三维数值分析,分析不同规模滑坡入水诱发涌浪灾害特征,如涌浪高度、涌浪速度、对岸爬高等,探讨不同规模滑坡入水引发涌浪对大坝的影响.利用FLOW-3D数值模拟方法对滑坡失稳过程、涌浪形成及传播、涌浪爬升、涌浪回流的全过程进行模拟分析.结果显示:310 万m3 滑坡入水产生涌浪在对岸最大爬高为54.5 m,坝前涌浪高度为6.69 m,涌浪在右岸坝肩处有小范围漫坝;80 万m3 滑坡入水产生涌浪在对岸最大爬高为26.00 m,坝前涌浪高度为5.38 m,涌浪对大坝安全无影响.结果表明:310 万m3 滑坡入水诱发涌浪与 80 万m3 滑坡入水诱发涌浪相比,致灾性较强.
This paper conducts a three-dimensional numerical analysis on the surges generated by landslides of different water entry scales,and analyzes the characteristics of surge disasters induced by landslides of different water entry scales,such as surge height,surge speed,and bank climbing height.Meanwhile,the impact of surges caused by landslides of different water entry scales on the dam is explored.The FLOW-3D numerical simulation method is employed to simulate and analyze the entire process of landslide instability,surge formation and propagation,surge climbing,and surge backflow.The results show that the maximum climbing height of the surge generated by the 3.1 million m3 landslide of water entry is 54.5 m on the opposite bank,and the surge height in front of the dam is 6.69 m.The surge has a small area of overflow at the right bank dam shoulder.The surge generated by the 0.8 million m3 landslide of water entry has a maximum climbing height of 26.00 m on the opposite bank,and the surge height in front of the dam is 5.38 m,without influence exerted by the surge on the dam safety.The results indicate that the induced surge caused by 3.1×106 m3 landslide of water entry is more catastrophic than that brought by 0.8×106 m3 landslide of water entry.
成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,四川 成都 610059成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,四川 成都 610059国能大渡河流域水电开发有限公司,四川 成都 610041国能大渡河流域水电开发有限公司,四川 成都 610041国能大渡河流域水电开发有限公司,四川 成都 610041
landslides of different scalessurge disasterFLOW-3D numerical simulationcatastrophability
《人民珠江》 2024 (2)