Statistical Test of Heterogeneous Effects of Monetary Policy on Financing Constraints of Enterprises
Under the current overall goal of"stabilizing growth and preventing risks"in China's current economy,how to ad-just monetary policy to stimulate business investment has become a top priority.In order to analyze the impact of China's mone-tary policy on corporate financing constraints and investment expenditures,based on the data of China's A-share listed companies from 2004 to 2020,this paper uses the panel threshold model to study the heterogeneous impact of monetary policy on the financ-ing constraints of enterprises.The study findings are as below:Monetary policy will have a U-shaped asymmetric effect on the"in-vestment-cash flow"sensitivity of enterprises,showing that the sensitivity coefficient is larger when the monetary policy is in the tightening and easing stage,but smaller when the monetary policy is in the stable stage,which suggests that the shift to easing monetary policy is not effective in easing financing constraints for Chinese companies as a whole.In order to explain this phenome-non,the paper further explore the heterogeneous financing constraints of enterprises,discovering that in the face of loose monetary policy,the sensitivity coefficient of"investment-cash flow"of small-scale enterprises and private enterprises with high degree of financing constraint is still large,while that of large-scale enterprises and state-owned enterprises is small.
中国人民大学 财政金融学院,北京 100872北京语言大学 商学院,北京 100083
monetary policyfinancing constraintsenterprise investmentpanel threshold model
《统计与决策》 2024 (4)