

Study on the impact of urban shantytown renovation on surrounding amenities



Against the backdrop of rapid national economic growth,China's urbanization efforts have accelerated,leading to an increasing expansion of city sizes.However,the addition of new construction land is restricted,making land resources a limiting factor for urban development.Consequently,urban planning in China has gradually transitioned from"incremental planning"to"stock planning".Urban shantytown renovation,as an integral part of urban renewal,plays a crucial role in China's urban planning and construction.It is not only a strategic project concerning the nation's welfare and people's livelihood but also aims to enhance the overall quality of urban residential environments.Moreover,it focuses on improving living conditions,transforming urban landscapes,enhancing urban functions,and promoting stable economic growth and harmonious social development in cities.As the shantytown renovation work in China came to a basic conclusion by the end of 2020,its impact on residents'lives and the urban renewal process has gradually become apparent.However,research on the economic effects brought about by this project is still in its early stages.Our understanding of the benefits of urban shantytown renovation is not comprehensive enough,making it challenging to better guide urban construction.Therefore,it is essential to delve into the micro-changes during the shantytown renovation process and quantify its impact on the surrounding environment and economy. The concept of amenity theory originated in the 1950s,proposed by the American economist Edward L.Ullman.Urban amenities refer to various traits and facilities in the urban environment that can make people feel comfortable,pleased,and satisfied both sensorily and emotionally,enhancing the attractiveness of the city,improving the quality of living,and promoting residents'satisfaction.In recent years,with the further advancement of urbanization and economic transformation in China,domestic scholars have begun to introduce the amenity theory into China to study urban development from the perspective of urban amenities.This paper selects the changes in amenities around shantytown areas as the research object,taking Beijing as an example,combines POI data with spatial analysis,and studies the impact of urban shantytown renovation projects on surrounding amenities based on panel data available from 2013 to 2020.The paper categorizes amenities into eight types:transportation,health,sports,culture and education,life services,leisure and entertainment,business,and blue-green amenities.It analyzes POI data through the ArcGIS buffer tool to understand the diversity changes of surrounding amenities before and after the project renovation.Then,it empirically analyzes the impact of urban shantytown renovation on the diversity of surrounding amenities using the Difference in Differences(DID)model with fixed effects.The DID method,which can effectively overcome the endogeneity of the model,is often used to explore the impact of a policy by assuming the occurrence and non-occurrence of the policy's impact,thus comparing the changes in observed values.The baseline regression is significantly positive at the 5%level and has passed the parallel trend test,robustness test,and placebo test.According to the baseline regression,the completion of urban shantytown renovation has a significant positive effect on the diversity of urban amenities within a 1000m buffer zone.Based on the housing transaction data from 2013 to 2020 of the nearest tradable community within the 1000m buffer zone of the shantytown area,the paper uses the hedonic price model to analyze the impact of the diversity of surrounding amenities on community housing prices.The hedonic price model,which explains the composition of prices in the market and can analyze the impact of various implicit features on explicit prices,is widely used in policy premium effect analysis.By controlling for multiple factors such as building features,location characteristics,and neighborhood conditions,the accurate coefficient of the impact of surrounding amenities diversity on housing prices can be isolated.The linear regression results show that the amenity diversity coefficient is positive and significant at the 1%level,indicating that an increase in the diversity of surrounding amenities can significantly increase the transaction prices of houses in the surrounding communities. Therefore,this paper finds that shantytown renovation not only improves the quality of life for residents but also stimulates innovation and consumption activities,thereby enhancing urban vitality and promoting urban economic and social development.The conclusions of this study provide a scientific basis for the formulation and optimization of other urban renewal-related policies.Future urban renewal projects should continuously improve the diversity of surrounding urban amenities in various aspects such as transportation,education,medical care,and leisure,continuously enhance the level of comfort goods supply,enhance residents'sense of happiness,attract talent inflow,and promote economic development,thereby achieving the fundamental purpose of benefiting the people's livelihood.At the same time,the diversity of surrounding amenities has a significant positive effect on housing prices.Therefore,in the planning of subsequent urban renewal projects,the government should pay more attention to the types and quantities of amenities around the project during the planning stage,choose the most appropriate urban renewal method,and achieve a balance between maximizing land value and ensuring people's livelihood.





Shantytown RenovationUrban AmenitiesDouble-Difference ModelHedonic Price ModelEconomic Effects

《西部人居环境学刊》 2024 (1)



