A Switch Method to Suppress the Current Fluctuation for Segmented Powered Linear Motor
分段并联供电的长定子直线电机在进行定子段供电切换时,电机参数发生改变,在高速运行期间会出现电流超调或断相情况,动子过分段时电机推力波动大.该文仿真分析几种动子过分段供电切换方法的特点,提出一种分段并联供电长定子直线电机定子段供电切换方法,在电路拓扑中仅需要将同一变流器交替供电的定子段中性点相连接,切换开关采用双向晶闸管,切换策略为在定子段切换过程中各相电流依次过零开通和关断.该方法抑制了切换过程中变流器的电流断续或波动,减小了电机推力波动.通过采用比例-积分-谐振(proportional integral resonance,PIR)控制器,抑制电机电感不平衡带来的电流2倍频波动.以一台双三相永磁同步直线电机为例,进行仿真实验,并验证该方法的有效性.
The motor parameters change when the mover runs from one segment to another of a segmented powered linear motor.The converter output current overshoots or breaks when the motor mover is running at high speed.Furthermore,as the mover passes through two adjacent segments,larger thrust fluctuations occur.Several traditional switching methods are analyzed,and a new switching method for switching current from one segment to another is proposed.First,the neutral points of the stator segment powered alternately by the same converter are connected.When the phase current of the converter reaches zero,the phase switch of the previous stator segment is turned off,and simultaneously the phase switch of the next stator segment is turned on.The switch is made of anti-parallel thyristors.The converter output current intermittence or fluctuation is suppressed,and thrust fluctuation of the motor is reduced during the switching process.The frequency-doubled harmonic current caused by inductance imbalance of the motor is suppressed by using a PIR controller.As an example,a dual three-phase permanent magnet linear synchronous motor(PMLSM)is used,and the effectiveness of the method is demonstrated through simulations and experiments.
中国科学院电力电子与电气驱动重点实验室(中国科学院电工研究所),北京市 海淀区 100190||中国科学院大学,北京市 石景山区 100049中国科学院电力电子与电气驱动重点实验室(中国科学院电工研究所),北京市 海淀区 100190中国科学院电力电子与电气驱动重点实验室(中国科学院电工研究所),北京市 海淀区 100190||中国科学院大学,北京市 石景山区 100049中国科学院电力电子与电气驱动重点实验室(中国科学院电工研究所),北京市 海淀区 100190||中国科学院大学,北京市 石景山区 100049
permanent magnet linear synchronous motor(PMLSM)segmented poweredblock switchmulti-converter
《中国电机工程学报》 2024 (4)
中国科学院电工研究所科研基金项目(E139320101). The Institute of Electrical Engineering,CAS(E139320101).