A power grid investment portfolio strategy based on Shapley value and global har-mony search algorithm
With the accelerated advancement of the construction of new-type power systems and the increasing inten-sity of grid investment,power grid enterprises have to explore more rational and efficient investment strategies to achieve optimal comprehensive benefits.To this end,taking into account the economic,social,environmental,and safety dimensions and optimizing the comprehensive benefits of grid project investments,a study on investment port-folio strategies is conducted.Firstly,the Shapley value method is applied to allocate the proportions of various ben-efit functions,revealing the characteristics of different benefit indicators.Secondly,given the key constraints such as investment capacity and load demand,an optimal model for grid project investment portfolios is developed,and the global harmony search algorithm(GHSA)is employed for solution finding.Finally,a case study is constructed to investigate the investment portfolio strategy.The results demonstrate that the proposed approach can assist decision-makers in formulating optimal investment strategies in the new situation.
国网重庆市电力公司经济技术研究院,重庆 400015国网重庆市电力公司经济技术研究院,重庆 400015国网重庆市电力公司经济技术研究院,重庆 400015华北电力大学 经济与管理学院,北京 102206华北电力大学 经济与管理学院,北京 102206
power grid investment portfolioGHSAcomprehensive benefitsShapley valueinvestment strategy
《浙江电力》 2024 (2)