首页|期刊导航|Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology|Multi-omics analysis reveals the molecular regulatory network underlying the prevention of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum against LPS-induced salpingitis in laying hens

Multi-omics analysis reveals the molecular regulatory network underlying the prevention of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum against LPS-induced salpingitis in laying hensOACSTPCD


Background Salpingitis is one of the common diseases in laying hen production, which greatly decreases the economic outcome of laying hen farming. Lactiplantibacillus plantarum was effective in preventing local or systemic inflammation, however rare studies were reported on its prevention against salpingitis. This study aimed to investigate the preventive molecular regulatory network of microencapsulated Lactiplantibacillus plantarum(MLP) against salpingitis through multi-omics analysis, including microbiome, transcriptome and metabolome analyses.Results The results revealed that supplementation of MLP in diet significantly alleviated the inflammation and atrophy of uterus caused by lipopolysaccharide(LPS) in hens(P < 0.05). The concentrations of plasma IL-2 and IL-10 in hens of MLP-LPS group were higher than those in hens of LPS-stimulation group(CN-LPS group)(P < 0.05). The expression levels of TLR2, MYD88, NF-κB, COX2, and TNF-α were significantly decreased in the hens fed diet supplemented with MLP and suffered with LPS stimulation(MLP-LPS group) compared with those in the hens of CN-LPS group(P < 0.05). Differentially expressed genes(DEGs) induced by MLP were involved in inflammation, reproduction, and calcium ion transport. At the genus level, the MLP supplementation significantly increased the abundance of Phascolarctobacterium, whereas decreased the abundance of Candidatus_Saccharimonas in LPS challenged hens(P < 0.05). The metabolites altered by dietary supplementation with MLP were mainly involved in galactose, uronic acid, histidine, pyruvate and primary bile acid metabolism. Dietary supplementation with MLP inversely regulates LPSinduced differential metabolites such as Lyso PA(24:0/0:0)(P < 0.05).Conclusions In summary, dietary supplementation with microencapsulated Lactiplantibacillus plantarum prevented salpingitis by modulating the abundances of Candidatus_Saccharimonas, Phascolarctobacterium, Ruminococcus_torques_group and Eubacterium_hallii_group while downregulating the levels of plasma metabolites, p-tolyl sulfate, o-cresol and N-acetylhistamine and upregulating S-lactoylglutathione, simultaneously increasing the expressions of CPNE4, CNTN3 and ACAN genes in the uterus, and ultimately inhibiting oviducal inflammation.

Dan Song;Aike Li;Bingxu Chen;Jia Feng;Tao Duan;Junlin Cheng;Lixian Chen;Weiwei Wang;Yuna Min

College of Animal Science and Technology,Northwest A&F University,Shaanxi,People’s Republic of China Key Laboratory of Grain and Oil Biotechnology of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Beijing,People’s Republic of ChinaCollege of Animal Science and Technology,Northwest A&F University,Shaanxi,People’s Republic of China Key Laboratory of Grain and Oil Biotechnology of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Beijing,People’s Republic of ChinaCollege of Animal Science and Technology,Northwest A&F University,Shaanxi,People’s Republic of China Key Laboratory of Grain and Oil Biotechnology of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Beijing,People’s Republic of ChinaCollege of Animal Science and Technology,Northwest A&F University,Shaanxi,People’s Republic of ChinaKey Laboratory of Grain and Oil Biotechnology of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Beijing,People’s Republic of ChinaKey Laboratory of Grain and Oil Biotechnology of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Beijing,People’s Republic of ChinaKey Laboratory of Grain and Oil Biotechnology of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Beijing,People’s Republic of ChinaKey Laboratory of Grain and Oil Biotechnology of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration,Beijing,People’s Republic of ChinaCollege of Animal Science and Technology,Northwest A&F University,Shaanxi,People’s Republic of China


Laying henMetabolomeMicrobiomeMicroencapsulated Lactiplantibacillus plantarumSalpingitisTranscriptome

《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 2024 (1)


funded by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (No.32002192)Research Fund for National Non-profit Research Institution (grant number JY2016)China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA (CARS-40-S20)。

