Genome-wide Association Study of Sucrose Content in Leaves of Representative Spring Soybean Germplasm Resources
蔗糖是植物糖类源库运输的主要形式,是植物生长中重要的能源物质.本研究利用196份已重测序的国内外品种构成的自然群体为试验材料,测定该群体苗期叶片蔗糖含量,结合混合线性模型(Mixed Linear Model)进行全基因组关联分析.结果显示:根据阈值筛选得到5个显著相关SNP位点,分别位于第15和20号染色体上,且在SNP位点上下游各100 kb搜索到27个相关基因.通过GO功能富集分析、KEGG代谢通路富集分析及基因功能注释,筛选得到5个可能与大豆叶片蔗糖含量相关的候选基因,并通过相对表达量分析鉴定得到Glyma.15G023800、Glyma.15G024000、Glyma.15G024600共3个与大豆叶片蔗糖含量相关基因.研究结果为探究大豆叶片蔗糖含量遗传机理提供理论参考.
Sucrose is the main form of plant sugar source and storage transportation,and is an important energy substance in plant growth.In this study,the 196 natural populations consisting of domestic and foreign varieties that had been re-sequenced were used as test materials,and sucrose content of seedling stage in leaves in this population was measured,and a genome wide association analysis was performed with a mixed linear mode.The results showed that 5 significantly related SNP loci were screened according to the threshold,which were located on chromosomes 15 and 20,and 27 related genes were searched in the interval of 100 kb upstream and 100 kb downstream of the SNP loci.The 5 candidate genes that might be related to sucrose content in soybean leaves were screened by GO functional enrichment analysis,KEGG metabolic pathway enrichment analysis and gene function annotation.Three genes related to sucrose content in soybean leaves,including Glyma.15G023800,Glyma.15G024000 and Glyma.15G024600,were identified by relative expression analysis.The results of this study provide a theoretical reference to investigate the genetic mechanism of sucrose content in soybean leaves.
黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院/国家大豆产业技术体系佳木斯综合试验站/三江平原主要作物育种栽培重点实验室,黑龙江佳木斯 154007东北农业大学农学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院/国家大豆产业技术体系佳木斯综合试验站/三江平原主要作物育种栽培重点实验室,黑龙江佳木斯 154007黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院/国家大豆产业技术体系佳木斯综合试验站/三江平原主要作物育种栽培重点实验室,黑龙江佳木斯 154007黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院/国家大豆产业技术体系佳木斯综合试验站/三江平原主要作物育种栽培重点实验室,黑龙江佳木斯 154007黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院/国家大豆产业技术体系佳木斯综合试验站/三江平原主要作物育种栽培重点实验室,黑龙江佳木斯 154007东北农业大学农学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030东北农业大学农学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030
soybeanleavessucrosegenome wide association analysiscandidate gene
《大豆科学》 2024 (1)