

Preliminary Report on the Effect of Fertilization be-fore Flowering on Mango Flowering and Fruiting in Spring of Low-or High-Rainfall Years


为探明春季少雨和多雨年份花前施肥对芒果成花、坐果和产量的影响及适宜的配方,以2018年为春季少雨年份、2019年为春季多雨年份,在同一果园固定位置连续开展5个花前施肥处理(F0:复合肥0.5 kg.F1:复合肥0.25 kg + 鸡粪2.5 kg.F2:鸡粪5.0 kg.F3:复合肥0.5 kg + 硫酸钾0.25 kg + 尿素0.25 kg.F4:复合肥0.5 kg + 硫酸钾0.25 kg.)对芒果成花、坐果和产量影响的田间试验.结果表明:春季少雨年份的2018年,各处理间成花率变化不显著,F3和F4成花率最高;F1坐果率最高,F4居第2但和F3差异较小;F3和F4产量居前2位且与其他处理差异显著.春季多雨年份的2019年,各处理间成花率相差较大,F4成花率最高,而F3成花率最低;F4坐果率最高、F3居第3位;F4能显著提高产量,而F3则显著降低产量.可见,春季少雨和春季多雨年份花前不同施肥配方对芒果开花、坐果和产量的影响明显不同,因此,春季少雨年份首推的施肥配方是F3(复合肥0.5 kg + 硫酸钾0.25 kg + 尿素0.25 kg),即在施用复合肥+硫酸钾的基础上添加适量尿素;春季多雨年份推荐的施肥配方是F4(复合肥0.5 kg + 硫酸钾0.25 kg),而最差配方是F3(复合肥0.5 kg + 硫酸钾0.25 kg + 尿素0.25 kg),即施用复合肥+硫酸钾即可、不宜添加尿素.

To investigate the effect and suitable fertilization formula of fertilization before flow-ering on mango flowering,fruit setting and yield in spring of low-and high-rainfall years,a field ex-periment was conducted in spring of the low-rainfall year(2018)and the high-rainfall year(2019)to investigate the effects of 5 treatments of fertilization before flowering(F0:compound fertilizer 0.5 kg/plant;F1:compound fertilizer 0.25 kg/plant + chicken manure 2.5 kg/plant;F2:chicken ma-nure 2.5 kg/plant;F3:compound fertilizer 0.5 kg/plant + K2SO4 0.25 kg/plant+ urea 0.25 kg/plant;F4:compound fertilizer 0.5 kg/plant + K2SO4 0.25 kg/plant)on mango flowering,fruit setting and yield in fixed locations of the same orchard.Results showed that:in the spring of low-rainfall year(2018),the change of flowering rate was not significant and the highest flowering rate was found in F3 or F4;the highest fruit setting rate was found in F1 and the second highest in F4 but with just a little differ-ence between F4 and F3;yield of F3 and F4 were the top two and significantly different from other treatments.In spring of high-rainfall year(2019),the flowering rate differed greatly among the treat-ments,F4 had highest flowering rate and F3 the lowest;F4 had highest fruit setting rate and F3 had the third;F4 could significantly increase the yield,while F3 significantly decreased the yield.The effects of different formulas of fertilization before flowering on mango flowering,fruit setting and yield were significantly different in spring of low-and high-rainfall years.Therefore,the most recom-mended formula of fertilization before flowering is F3(compound fertilizer 0.5 kg/plant + K2SO4 0.25 kg/plant+ urea 0.25 kg/plant)in spring of low-rainfall years,which is adding urea when applying compound fertilizer+K2SO4;F4(compound fertilizer 0.5 kg/plant + K2SO4 0.25 kg/plant)in spring of high-rainfall years but F3(compound fertilizer 0.5 kg/plant + K2SO4 0.25 kg/plant+ urea 0.25 kg/plant)is the least recommended,which is just applying compound fertilizer+K2SO4 without urea.


广西大学农牧产业发展研究院,广西南宁 530005百色现代农业技术研究推广中心,广西百色 533612南宁市良庆区那陈镇农业服务中心,广西南宁 530231广西大学农牧产业发展研究院,广西南宁 530005广西壮族自治区水果技术指导站,广西南宁 530022广西农业职业技术大学,广西南宁 530007百色现代农业技术研究推广中心,广西百色 533612广西大学农牧产业发展研究院,广西南宁 530005南宁市良庆区那陈镇农业服务中心,广西南宁 530231百色现代农业技术研究推广中心,广西百色 533612



Low-rainfall springhigh-rainfall springfertilization before floweringfruit set-tingyield

《农业研究与应用》 2023 (5)


