

Comparative Trials of Rape Varieties under Rice and Oil Crop Rotation in Huaihua


为筛选出适应怀化山区高品质、高产量的油菜品种,在以稻油两熟制生产模式的基础上,选用湖南省主要推广的11个油菜品种,并采用当地主栽品种湘杂油787为对照(CK),开展不同油菜品种比较试验.结果表明:不同油菜品种全生育期在204~209 d,其中沣油958的生育期最短,为204 d,比CK短3 d,春云6号的生育期最长,达209 d,比CK长2 d;各油菜品种苗期生长的一致性表现均为整齐;春云6号抗菌核病最强,发病率为3.50%,病情指数为0.25;湘杂油518产量最高,为2440.80 kg/hm2,比CK高出12.44%,其株高较高、单株有效角果数也较多.其次是华油杂160R,产量为2397.45 kg/hm2,比CK高出10.44%.综合考虑,在不影响水稻生长季节、稳定和提升油菜种植效益的情况下,建议推广湘杂油518、华油杂160R、春云6号品种.

In order to screen out high-quality and high-yielding rape varieties adapted to the mountainous areas of Huaihua,a comparative experiment on different rape varieties was conducted on the basis of a double cropping production model of rice and rape,in which the 11 rape varieties promoted in Hunan Province were studied.In the study,the major local cultivar Xiangzayou 787 was taken as the CK.The results showed that the all growth stages of different rape varieties was from 204 d to 209 d,among which Fengyou 958 had the shortest growth period of 204 d,which was 3 d shorter than that of CK;Chunyun 6 had the longest growth period of 209 d,which was 2 d longer than that of CK.Seedling growth was highly consistent among all the varieties during the emergence stage;Chunyun 6 was the most resistant to sclerotial disease,with its incidence and the disease index of 3.50%and 0.25 respectively;Xiangzayou 518 with a high plant height and effective pods per plant had the highest yield of 2440.80 kg/hm2,12.44%higher than that of CK,followed by Huay-ouza 160R,whose yield was 2397.45 kg/hm2,10.44%higher than CK.All in all,based on not affect-ing the rice growing season and not interfering the goal of stabilizing and improving the outcome of rape cultivation,it is recommended to promote Xiangzayou 518,Huayouza 160R and Chunyun 6 va-rieties.


怀化市农业综合服务中心,湖南怀化 418000湖南省农业信息与工程研究所,湖南长沙 410125怀化市粮油和经济作物工作站,湖南怀化 418000湖南省水稻研究所,湖南长沙 410125怀化市粮油和经济作物工作站,湖南怀化 418000湖南省水稻研究所,湖南长沙 410125怀化市粮油和经济作物工作站,湖南怀化 418000怀化市农业综合服务中心,湖南怀化 418000



Rice and rape rotationvariety comparisongrowth stagestress resistanceyield

《农业研究与应用》 2023 (5)

