Effects of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium on Rice Yield and Utilization Efficiency of Fertilizer in Alpine Mountain Areas of Guangxi
为解决广西高寒山区水稻合理施肥问题,研究了氮、磷、钾肥配施对水稻产量、养分吸收和肥料利用效率的影响.研究于2022年在广西金秀瑶族自治县进行田间试验,设置缺氮区、缺磷区、缺钾区和全肥区处理,于水稻成熟期测定稻谷产量、稻草生物量、稻谷以及植株的氮、磷、钾含量.结果表明,全肥区处理的产量最高(7108 kg/hm2),缺氮区的产量最低(5050 kg/hm2),除缺磷区(6164 kg/hm2)与缺钾区(5858 kg/hm2)相比差异不显著外,其余各处理间的水稻产量差异均达显著水平.施用氮、磷、钾肥后,水稻养分总吸收量和每100 kg籽粒需N、P2O5量显著增加,而氮素和磷素稻谷生产效率、钾素收获指数显著下降.水稻对磷肥的吸收利用率(Recovery efficiency,RE)最低,仅为27.8%,但对磷肥的生理利用率最高;对氮肥、磷肥和钾肥的农学利用率差异不显著.广西高寒山区稻区合理配施氮、磷、钾肥可显著提高水稻产量、养分积累以及肥料利用效率,实现水稻高产与环境保护的统一协调.
In order to determine the appropriate amount of fertilization of rice in alpine moun-tain areas of Guangxi,the paper studied the effects of nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P)and potassium(K)fertilization on rice yield,nutrient accumulation,and utilization efficiency of fertilizer.These field experiments were conducted in Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County,Guangxi in 2022.Treatments of nitrogen-deficient areas,phosphorus-deficient areas,potassium-deficient areas and full fertilizer areas were set up to determine the rice yield,biomass,as well as N,P and K contents of rice and plants at rice ripening stage.The results showed that the highest yield(7108 kg/hm2)was obtained in the full-fertilizer area treatment,the lowest yield(5050 kg/hm2)was obtained in the nitrogen-deficient area treatment,and the differences in rice yield among treatments reached the significant level,except for the one between the phosphorus-deficient area treatment(6164 kg/hm2)and the potassium-deficient area treatment(5858 kg/hm2)which was not significant compared with that of the other treatments.The application of N,P and K fertilizers significantly increased the total nutri-ent accumulation and the absorption of N and P2O5 per 100 kg seeds,while the grain production effi-ciency of N and P and the harvest index of K decreased significantly.The recovery efficiency of rice on P fertilizer was the lowest,only 27.8%,but the physiological utilization efficiency of P fertilizer was the highest.There was no significant difference in the agronomic utilization efficiency among N,P and K fertilizers.It is concluded that the appropriate allocation of N,P and K fertilizers in the rice area of Guangxi alpine mountain areas can significantly improve rice yield,nutrient accumula-tion,and fertilizer utilization efficiency,so as to maintain the balance of high rice yield and environ-mental protection.
广西壮族自治区金秀瑶族自治县桐木镇农业农村综合服务中心,广西来宾 545708广西壮族自治区农业科学院水稻研究所,广西南宁 530007
Ricenitrogen fertilizerphosphorus fertilizerpotassium fertilizeryieldutilization efficiency of fertilizer
《农业研究与应用》 2023 (5)