

Homogeneity Characterization of Composite Shaped Components Based on Pixel Marking Method



The structural inhomogeneity caused by pore defects in fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites will seriously affect the macroscopic mechanical properties of the components,while the overall porosity cannot effectively characterize the homogeneity.Aiming at this problem,a spatial block division method based on pixel labeling is proposed to realize the automatic block division of CT scan volume data of special-shaped components.On the basis of calculating the porosity value of each block,the product of the mean porosity and the standard deviation is used as the index to quantitatively characterize the structural uniformity of the components.The 3D mapping of the porosity is carried out by the ray projection method,and the porosity distribution is visualized and characterized.The results show that the method can effectively quantitatively characterize the overall and local uniformity of the special-shaped component,and give the local component from a 3D perspective.The size and spatial position information of the porosity provide a strong basis for further optimizing the manufacturing process parameters and improving the reliability of component service.


燕山大学电气工程学院,河北秦皇岛 066004||燕山大学测试计量技术及仪器河北重点实验室,河北秦皇岛 066004


material testingcomposite materialsfiber reinforced ceramicpore defectsstructural uniformity3D mappingpixel marking method

《计量学报》 2024 (002)

246-252 / 7


