Double Convolutional Chainbased Product Centre Vision Localization Method for Labeling Robots
目前对于机械手产品视觉中心的定位主要采用的是被动双目立体视觉定位法,但由于缺乏场景坐标的匹配与预测,导致其视觉定位精度较差.为此,提出基于双卷积链的贴标机械手产品视觉中心定位方法.首先,对相机的内置参数与外置参数进行标定,构建视觉定位场景坐标系.然后,利用卷积神经网络中的双卷积网络结构,对视觉中心场景坐标进行预测.最后,通过匹配像素坐标与图像特征点实现贴标机械手产品中心视觉定位.在实验中,在40 mm×40 mm×40 mm小规模空间场景和180 mm×180 mm×180 mm大规模空间场景中对所提方法进行了定位精度的检验.实验结果表明,采用所提方法进行贴标机械手产品中心视觉定位时,定位方差较小,具备较为理想的定位精度.说明所提方法在机械手产品的定位领域具有较好的应用前景,有助于实现工业自动化生产.
At present,the passive binocular stereo vision positioning method is mainly used for the positioning of the visual center of robotic arm products.However,due to the lack of scene coordinate matching and prediction,its visual positioning accuracy is poor.Therefore,a visual center positioning method for labeling robotic arm products based on dual convolutional chains is proposed.Firstly,the built-in and external parameters of the camera is calibrated to construct a visual positioning scene coordinate system.Then,using the dual convolutional network structure in convolutional neural networks,the visual center scene coordinates are predicted.Finally,the visual positioning of the labeling robot product center is achieved by matching pixel coordinates with image feature points.In the experiment,the positioning accuracy of the proposed method is tested in a 40 mm×40 mm×40 mm small-scale space scene and 180 mm×180 mm×180 mm.The experimental results show that when using the proposed method for visual positioning of the center of the labeling robotic arm product,the positioning variance is small and has relatively ideal positioning accuracy.The proposed method has good application prospects in the positioning field of robotic arm products,which helps to achieve industrial automation production.
闽南理工学院光电与机电工程学院,福建泉州 362700闽南理工学院光电与机电工程学院,福建泉州 362700
double convolution chainsmanipulatorsproduct centresvisual positioning
《机电工程技术》 2024 (2)