

CFD based study on the flow characteristics of parallel supercavitating projectiles entering water obliquely at high speed


在对水下目标连续、密集的打击过程中常常涉及到多体间的运动干扰和空泡非定常耦合等问题,使得流场结构和运动特性变得复杂.为分析并行超空泡射弹高速入水过程中流场的相互干扰规律,采用CFD方法建立并列弹高速斜入水流体动力特性研究数值模型,同时将并列弹与单个弹的计算结果进行对比,明确并列弹高速入水空泡形态和流场分布与单个弹的差异,并进一步给出弹间干扰特性随并列弹轴线间距的变化规律.计算结果表明:较单个弹入水过程,随着轴线间距的减小,并列弹的流体动力特性变化复杂;当轴线间距增大至 G = 4 时,并列弹的流体动力特性与单个弹差异不再显著.并列弹高速入水时,双空泡形态呈现镜面对称特性,内侧空泡受挤压贴近弹体表面,随轴线间距的增加,空泡间的干扰作用逐渐减弱;高压区和低速区主要存在于射弹头部,且轴线间距较小时,出现高压区重叠现象;随着轴线间距减小,内侧空泡压力、速度分布对空泡演化的影响程度在入水深度较深位置更为明显.由于射弹表面内外侧压差的作用,使射弹姿态产生显著变化,表现为弹头相互排斥,弹尾靠拢.

With the increasing demand of marine military,the realization of continuous and intensive strikes on underwater targets has gradually been paid attention to,and the process often involves problems such as motion interference between multiple bodies and non-constant coupling of cavities,which make the structure and motion characteristics become more complicated.A CFD method is adopted to establish the numerical model of high-speed oblique water entry hydrodynamic characteristics of parallel projectiles.In addition,the calculation results are compared with those of a single projectile to clarify that the flow field distribution and cavities evolution with the axial distance of parallel projectiles.Calculation results show that,compared to the single water entry process,the fluid dynamic characteristics of multiple projectiles in parallel configuration become more complex as the axial spacing decreases.When the axis distance increases to G = 4,the difference between the hydrodynamic characteristics of the parallel projectiles and a single one is no longer significant.The two cavity contours exhibit good mirror symmetry,and the inner cavities are squeezed close to the projectile surface,and with the increase of axis distance,the interference between the cavities is gradually weakened;high-pressure zone and low-velocity zone mainly exist in the head of the projectile,and there is a phenomenon of high-pressure zones overlap when the axis distance is small;with the axis distance decreasing,the influence of inner cavity pressure and velocity distribution on the cavity evolution is more obvious in the deeper position of the water depth;due to the pressure difference between the inner and outer sides of the projectile surface,the attitude of the projectile changes significantly,which is manifested as the head of the projectile excludes each other,and the tail of the projectile closes together.


南京理工大学 能源与动力工程学院,南京 210094海军研究院,北京 100061



parallel water entry obliquelycavity evolutioninterference between projectilesnumerical modelfluid dynamic characteristics

《空气动力学学报》 2024 (002)

96-110 / 15

