对水库安全可靠性有影响的指标一般具有突出的层次性、不确定性等特征,根据各指标特征和相关标准选取 6 个维度19 项评价指标,将水库安全评定结合TOPSIS和灰色关联法构建能够反映水库安全状态的指标体系.结果显示 5 座水库安全程度由高到低为六六庄水库、管楼水库、双岔口水库、沙子岗水库和二十亩地水库.此结果与专家评价基本一致,说明此方法的准确性和适用性;该模型可有效减小打分的主观性影响,评价结果更为科学,故其具有良好的应用前景,对实际工程具有指导意义.
The indexes that affect the safety and reliability of reservoir generally have the characteristics of outstanding hierarchy and uncertainty.According to the characteristics of each index and related standards,6 dimensions and 19 evaluation indexes are selected,and the index system which can reflect the safety state of reservoir is constructed by combining reservoir safety assessment with TOPSIS and grey correlation method.The results show that the safety degree of the five reservoirs from high to low is:Liuliuzhuang Reservoir,Guanlou Reservoir,Shuangchakou Reservoir,Shazigang Reservoir and Ershimudi Reservoir.The result is basically consistent with the expert evaluation,which shows the accuracy and applicability of this method;the model can effectively reduce the subjective influence of scoring,and the evaluation result is more scientific,so it has a good application prospect and guiding significance for practical engineering.
华北水利水电大学 水利学院,郑州 450046华北水利水电大学 水利学院,郑州 450046郑州铁路职业技术学院,郑州 451460
TOPSIS methodgrey correlation methodreservoir damevaluation indexsafety evaluation
《科技创新与应用》 2024 (7)