地铁车站基坑开挖是一种应力卸荷过程,会引起支护结构及场地等的发生水平或竖向变形,所以基坑稳定性显的尤为重要.以青岛地铁 2 号线合川路车站为工程背景研究明挖基坑的稳定性,基于有限元分析软件,采用摩尔-库伦本构模型,考虑实际场地条件、开挖及支护过程等,建立三维数值分析模型;研究基坑分层开挖-支护过程中桩体水平位移和地表竖向位移演化规律,分析施工过程中桩+内支撑体系的受力及变形特征,并对数值计算结果与监测数据进行对比分析,得出数值模拟结果与现场实测结果基本一致,可为青岛地区类似工程提供参考经验.
The excavation of foundation pit of subway station is a process of stress unloading,which will cause horizontal or vertical deformation of supporting structure and site,so the stability of foundation pit is particularly important.Taking Hechuan Road Station of Qingdao Metro Line 2 as the engineering background,the stability of open-cut foundation pit is studied.Based on the finite element analysis software,the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model is used to establish a three-dimensional numerical analysis model considering the actual site conditions,excavation and support process.The evolution law of horizontal displacement of pile and vertical displacement of ground surface during layered excavation and support of foundation pit is studied.The stress and deformation characteristics of pile + internal support system during construction are analyzed.The numerical calculation results are compared with the monitoring data.It is concluded that the numerical simulation results are basically consistent with the field measurement results,which can provide reference experience for similar projects in Qingdao area.
中铁二十五局集团第五工程有限公司,山东 青岛 266000
subway stationopen-cut foundation pitpile-bracing systemnumerical simulationdeformation analysis
《科技创新与应用》 2024 (7)