

Research on the trend prediction and structure transfer of embodied carbon in China's export trade


基于特征选择的Lasso方法分别确定影响中国出口贸易隐含碳排放(CO2)总量和强度的核心指标,并由此构建BO-BiLSTM模型对总量变动和强度演进的趋势展开预测,同时采用Markov链进一步探讨中国出口贸易隐含碳排放的结构转移现象.结果表明:(1)2021-2035年间中国出口贸易隐含碳排放总量呈现阶梯式减少的趋向,预计2030年达到1.98 Gt,在 2035年降为1.83 Gt,出口贸易规模扩大和国际经贸形势改善是关键影响因素.(2)2021-2035年间中国出口贸易隐含碳排放强度保持稳中有降的态势,预计2030年减至0.91 t/万元,相较于2005年减少67%,出口贸易结构变迁和环境规制强度提高是重要驱动因素.(3)2021-2035年间中国出口贸易隐含碳排放结构仍偏重知识密集型制造业,其存在较大减排潜力,而资本密集型服务业和资本密集型制造业具有减排周期较长的特点.

Based on the Lasso method of feature selection,the core indicators affecting the total amount and intensity of embodied carbon emissions(CO2)in China's export trade are determined respectively,and the BO-BiLSTM model was constructed to predict the trend of total amount change and intensity evolution.At the same time,the Markov chain was used to further explore the structural transfer phenomenon of embodied carbon emissions in China's export trade.The results are as follow.(1)From 2021 to 2035,the total amount of carbon emissions embodied in China's export trade shows a trend of gradient reduction.It is expected to reach 1.98 Gt in 2030 and further decrease to 1.83 Gt in 2035.The expansion of export trade scale and the improvement of international economic and trade situation are the key influencing factors.(2)From 2021 to 2035,the embodied carbon emission intensity in China's export trade has maintained a steady and declining trend.It is expected to drop to 0.91 t per CNY 10000 in 2030,which is 67%lower than that in 2005.The change of export trade structure and the increase of environmental regulation intensity are important driving factors.(3)From 2021 to 2035,the structure of embodied carbon emissions in China's export trade still focuses on knowledge-intensive manufacturing industry,which has great potential for emission reductions,while capital-intensive service industry and capital-intensive manufacturing industry have the characteristics of long cycle of carbon emission reductions.


贵州财经大学经济学院,贵阳 550025贵州财经大学大数据应用与经济学院,贵阳 550025


Export trade embodied carbonInput-output modelMachine learning prediction

《气候变化研究进展》 2024 (001)

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