Spatiotemporal Variation Atlas of Grassland Greenness in Ningxia and Its Driving Factors
[目的]揭示宁夏草地绿度的时空变化规律,探明其驱动因素,为有效管理北方农牧交错生态脆弱区草地碳库和推动宁夏草地长效生态增汇提供决策参考.[方法]基于 NDVI、气象及土地利用数据,采用地学信息图谱、Sen+ Mann-Kendall趋势分析、变异系数、Hurst指数、偏相关分析及残差分析等方法,分析了宁夏草地绿度时空分布及变化特征,探究了气候变化和人类活动对草地绿度的影响.[结果]2000-2020 年,宁夏草地绿度以速率为 0.007/a波动上升,草甸草地绿度最高且增速最快为 0.011/a,荒漠草地绿度最低且增速最慢为 0.004/a;草地绿度月均变化呈倒"U"型,不同类型草地绿度最大值相差较大,最小值相近.草地绿度空间分异明显,呈"南高北低"的格局,3-8 月绿度提升由南向北推进,9 月至次年 2 月渐次降低由北向南推移.97.76%草地绿度呈增加趋势,极其显著增加比重最大为48.78%,荒漠草地和典型草地绿度变化为高波动且绿化趋势不持续,草甸草地绿度变化为中低波动且绿化趋势可持续.宁夏草地绿度与气温正负相关并存,与降水呈正相关,67.10%区域以降水驱动为主;残差分析显示人类活动对宁夏草地绿度以正效应为主,退耕还草等生态工程促进草地绿度提升,建设用地扩张导致草地绿度降低.[结论]2000年以来,宁夏草地绿度有了明显提升,且在宁夏南部地区增加成效尤为显著.荒漠草地和典型草地绿度波动较大,需要在后期管理中减少人类活动对其的扰动.
[Objective]The aims of this study are to reveal the spatial and temporal variations pattern of grass-land greening in Ningxia and proveits driving factors,and provide decision-making reference for effectively managing the grassland carbon reservoir in the ecologically fragile areas of agriculture and animal husbandry in northern China and promoting the long-term ecological increase of grassland in Ningxia.[Methods]Based on NDVI,meteorological and land use data,geographical information map,Sen+Mann-Kendall trend analysis,coefficient of variation,Hurst index,partial correlation analysis,residual analysis methods were adopted.The spatial and temporal distribution and variation characteristics of grassland greenness in Ningxia from 2000 to 2020 were analyzed.The driving mechanism of climate change and human activities on grassland greenness was explored.[Results]The greenness of grassland in Ningxia fluctuated at the rate of 0.007/a,the greenness of meadow grassland was the highest and the fastest growth rate was 0.011/a,and the green-ness of desert grassland was the lowest and the slowest growth rate was 0.004/a.The average monthly varia-tion of grassland greenness in Ningxia showed an inverted U-shape,and the maximum greenness of different types of grassland varied greatly,and the minimum value was similar.The spatial difference of grassland greenness in Ningxia was obvious,showing a pattern of high level in the south and the low level in the north.The greenness increased from south to north from March to August,and gradually decreased from north to south from September to February.97.76% of the greenness of grassland showed an increasing trend,with the largest proportion of extremely significant increase being 48.78%,the greenness of desert grassland and typical grassland changed to high fluctuation and the greening trend was not continuous,and the greenness of meadow grassland changed to medium and low fluctuation and the greening trend was sustainable.Ningxia grassland greenness and temperature were positively correlated with precipitation,and 67.10% of the area was mainly driven by precipitation.The residual analysis showed that human activities mainly had a positive effect on the greenness of grassland in Ningxia,and ecological projects such as returning farmland to grass-land promoted the greenness of grassland,and the expansion of construction land led to the reduction of grassland greenness.[Conclusion]Since 2000,the grassland greening of Ningxia has improved significantly,and the increase in southern Ningxia is particularly significant.Desert grassland and typical grassland fluctuate greatly,which needs to reduce the disturbance of human activities in the later management.
宁夏大学 地理科学与规划学院,银川 750021宁夏大学 地理科学与规划学院,银川 750021宁夏大学 地理科学与规划学院,银川 750021宁夏大学 地理科学与规划学院,银川 750021宁夏大学 地理科学与规划学院,银川 750021
geographical information mapgrass greennessspatiotemporal changespartial correlation analysisresidual analysis
《水土保持研究》 2024 (2)